Gianpaolo Trevisan

Gianpaolo Trevisan
Storia dell’arte medievale (ARTE-01/A)
- Ricercatore
- Tel: 0432 556181
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-06
- Insegnamenti: History of Medieval Art
Gianpaolo Trevisan
Storia dell’arte medievale (ARTE-01/A)
- Ricercatore
- Tel: 0432 556181
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-06
- Insegnamenti: History of Medieval Art

I graduated in Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the University of Udine, with a thesis entitled La chiesa di Santa Maria del castello di Udine nel medioevo ("The church of Santa Maria of the Castle of Udine during the Middle Ages"). Afterwards I got a Ph.D. in Art History, again in Udine, this time discussing a dissertation on the architecture of the church of San Fermo Maggiore, in Verona (11th century). For some years I was "Cultore della materia" (Teaching Fellow), and I was involved in teaching History of Art in Europe during the Middle Ages and History of medieval Art; finally I was confirmed as Researcher at the University of Udine in 2001.
During my lectures and seminars – which I held for various Degree courses, from the Bachelor's to the Doctoral courses, without forgetting the postgraduate ones – I deal particularly with the history of medieval art and architecture, but I also taught Topography and survey of ancient monuments, Archeology of architecture and Methodology of historical-artistic research.
I was involved in numerous national projects (PRIN), like Corpus ed archivio informatizzato dell'architettura, scultura e pittura medievale nell'antica metropoli di Aquileia ("Corpus and digital archive of medieval architecture, sculpture and painting in the ancient metropolis of Aquileia", 1998), Architettura e decorazione delle chiese mendicanti delle Venezie ("Architecture and decorations of the Venetian mendicant churches"), within the programme Arte, architettura e liturgia dall'XI al XIV secolo ("Art, architecture and liturgy from the 11th to the 14th century, 2001); I was unit coordinator for the project Architettura e decorazione delle chiese veronesi tra i secoli XI e XII ("Architecture and decoration of the churches of Verona from the 11th to the 12th century"), within the programme Per una nuova "Lombard Architecture": edizione critica e catalogo dei monumenti architettonici dei secoli XI e XII nell'Italia del Nord ("For a new 'Lombard Architecture': critical edition and catalogue of the architectural monuments of the 11th and 12th century in Northern Italy", 2007). I also took part in other project, both at regional (Provenienza, composizione e uso dei materiali litici e derivati delle costruzioni del centro storico di Udine dall'alto medioevo al XIX secolo, "Origin, composition and use of stone materials and derivatives of the buildings of the city centre of Udine from the early Middle Ages to the 19th century" 2003–2004) and international level (Il Battistero di Aquileia. Rilievo critico e rivalutazione storica, "The Baptistery of Aquileia. Critical Survey and Historical Revaluation", funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung di Düsseldorf, 2009–2012). All these activities reveals pretty clearly my main research lines, which revolve around medieval art, architecture, urbanistic and topography within the Triveneto area – topics that I also discussed in my publications and, as a speaker, in conferences and conventions.
In addition to this, I dealt with the sector of organization. Over the years I was appointed as Representative of the Researchers in the Council of the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy (2002–2012), vice-director of the Biblioteca Umanistica e della Formazione (2007–2013), coordinator of the unified council of the Degree Courses of Conservation of the Cultural Heritage and Art History (2012–2013) and member of the Board of the doctoral course in Art History (2005–2011). I am still member of the Board of the doctoral course in Art History, Film Studies, Media Studies and Music (since 2016) and coordinator of the Erasmus agreement with the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany).