University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU



The Biblioteca umanistica e della formazione is part of the University library system: it is composed by different sections, among which the most closely connected to DIUM are Santa Lucia, Periodici, Fondi speciali, Cinemantica  and Margreth in Udine. Further resources for study and research in the humanistic field are hosted in the Biblioteca Florio and the Polo Santa Chiara in Gorizia.
Each location offers access to the internet through a Wi-Fi network (Eduroam), so that visitors can use their own personal devices. 
A rich collection of digital resources is made available through the portal Teche.uniud.

All the information about the bibliographic material already available or being acquired, as well as library loans, reservations and services are accessible from the online catalogue.

Santa Lucia: Monografie 

via Mantica, 3 – 33100 Udine
Telephone: +39 0432 556730

The Library Center for Humanities and Education stems from the need to concentrate in a single location the entire collection of books, documents and audiovisual material relating to these cultural fields, which were previously scattered across various University venues. For this purpose was chosen the 14th century complex comprising the Augustinian Monastery and the adjoining church dedicated to Saint Lucy (Santa Lucia): today the edifice hosts about 300 thousand volumes including monographs, catalogues, reference works, encyclopedias, dictionaries and bibliographies (which are accessible either on open shelves or through a mobile shelving system), together with an area entirely dedicated to music, where sheet music and almost 1700 CDs are to be found, and the Biblioteca Austriaca, the prestigious collection donated to the University by the Republic of Austria. 
Overall, the library offers resources relating to disciplines such as Bibliography, Library Science, Publishing, Philology and Papyrology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Social Studies, Linguistics, Foreign Language, Science, Technology, Fine Arts, Photography, Music and Cinema, Literature, History and Geography.

About 50 seats are available for consultation, as well as 14 computer work stations with internet access for bibliographical researches, two copy rooms, one microfilm reading room and a meeting and conference room which can hold up to 15 people.


via Petracco, 8 – 33100 Udine
Telephone: +39 0432 556712

Journals are currently hosted on the ground floor of Palazzo Antonini-Cernazai, in the so-called Periodici section. The collection consists of 3334 titles, of which 639 are still running, and constitutes an important bibliographical resource for studies in fields such as History and Art History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Social Studies, Philology, Archaeology and Italian and Foreign Literature. The material is organized in mobile shelves and is therefore free for consultation.

Fondi speciali

via Petracco, 8 – 33100 Udine
Telephone: +39 0432 556722

This section consists of 22 special collections comprising rare and valuable publications and a variety of documents (correspondence, deeds etc.), which belonged to various institutions and illustrious figures, acquired by the University either by donation, purchase or on loan.

Cinemantica (Audiovisual section)

vicolo Florio, 2 (palazzo Caiselli) – 33100 Udine
Telephone: +39 0432 556648

Cinemantica can be found in Palazzo Caiselli and hosts the VHS tapes and DVDs collection of the University. More than 7000 titles are available on video, as well as a specialized library consisting of about 600 volumes.


via Margreth, 3 – 33100 Udine
Telephone: +39 0432 249861

This section offers a wide selection of materials pertaining the field of Education.

Biblioteca Florio

via Palladio, 8 – 33100 Udine
Telephone: +39 0432 556731

Biblioteca Florio contains almost 14.000 volumes, counting printed books and manuscripts of various content (literary, philosophical, legal, hagiographic, theological, historical, geographical and scientific texts), dated between the 15th and 20th century. This collection was donated by Prof. Attilio Maseri, last heir of the Florio family, and catalogued with the contribution of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. Among its most valuable pieces, a codex of the Divina Commedia (14th-15th century), some incunabola and more than a thousand  "cinquecentine".

Polo Santa Chiara

via Santa Chiara, 1 – 34170 Gorizia
Telephone: +39 0481 580163 

The detached section of the Library is located at the Centro Polifunzionale di Gorizia. On its two floors are gathered about 15 thousand books relating to disciplines such as Social Studies, Art, Music and Cinema. It offers also various multimedia materials and a study area.