Paola Gasparollo
Checché ne dicano i pessimisti, la terra è assolutamente meravigliosa e sotto la luce della luna, semplicemente unica.
M. Bulgakov

Paola Gasparollo
Servizio di Supporto alla didattica
- Personale amministrativo
- Tel: 0432 556501
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.4
Paola Gasparollo
Servizio di Supporto alla didattica
- Personale amministrativo
- Tel: 0432 556501
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.4

Checché ne dicano i pessimisti, la terra è assolutamente meravigliosa e sotto la luce della luna, semplicemente unica.
M. Bulgakov
I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Padova. After some work experiences as a teacher (Russian language, Italian as a foreign language), interpreter and commercial clerk for import/export companies, I succeeded in a public competition for administrative personnel and began thus working for the Postgraduate Education Section at the University Ca' Foscari in Venice (2004). There I was in charge of the organization of postgraduate courses (Master-classes and Specialisation programmes) and of the civil examinations for the professional qualification.
In July 2007 I moved to the University of Udine, where, until 2012, I continued working in the Postgraduate Education Section, just like before in Venice; then I transferred to the so-called Polo Umanistico, and in 2016 to the Education Service of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Here I offer support to the Coordinators of the various courses with regard to the study systems and educational offer, as well as to the Study Manifesto and Guide. I also collaborate to the compilation of the SUA-CdS Report for the accreditation of the programmes.
I am a member of the Quality Assurance Committee for Education, which has to verify the quality of all the educational activities of the various courses by presenting annual reports for self-assessment and quality assurance. Finally, I keep updated the web pages dedicated to the programmes and I help students through front and back desk office activities.