Mirco Cusin

Mirco Cusin
Laboratorio fotografico
- Personale tecnico
- Technical Manager
- Tel: 0432 556613
- Email: mirco.cusin@uniud.it
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-11
Mirco Cusin
Laboratorio fotografico
- Personale tecnico
- Technical Manager
- Tel: 0432 556613
- Email: mirco.cusin@uniud.it
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-11

I am the "young" Technical Manager of the Photography Lab of DIUM.
I am a Master Mosaicist formed at the school Mosaicists of Friuli, in Spilimbergo (PN). After getting my diploma, I was employed within the school itself, and then in a private company, where I had the chance to collaborate with Italian and European artists and designers in the realisation of significant mosaic artworks – one above all, the decoration of the metro stations in London.
Later I worked for a glass manifacturing company: there I was in charge of silkscreen printings through the use of raw silk matrices.
Over the years, I have always been passionate about photography, especially of artworks. This lead me to my current job at the University of Udine, in 1991. Here I deal with photo shoots of paintings, ancient texts and archaeological findings, both by using traditional techniques and new ones, like RTI (Reflecting Transformation Imaging) and SFM (Structure From Motion). I took part in many archaeological missions, both in Italy and abroad; particularly important for me was the collaboration with the Deutsches archäologisches Institut-Orient Abteilung.
To paraphrase a line of a famous movie, what a good art photographer must do is to improvise, adapt and overcome.