Mariapia Comand
Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member.
G. Marx

Mariapia Comand
Cinema, fotografia, radio, televisione e media digitali (PEMM-01/B)
- Professoressa ordinaria
- Tel: 0432 556600
- Email:
- Studio: Casa Solari, second floor, room L2-06
- Insegnamenti: Screen Writing; Italian Cinema; History of Film and Tourism; Film History
Mariapia Comand
Cinema, fotografia, radio, televisione e media digitali (PEMM-01/B)
- Professoressa ordinaria
- Tel: 0432 556600
- Email:
- Studio: Casa Solari, second floor, room L2-06
- Insegnamenti: Screen Writing; Italian Cinema; History of Film and Tourism; Film History

Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member.
G. Marx
I graduated from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (1991), at the same university I obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Communication Languages. After graduating, I worked in different activities in the cultural industry at Rai and Finivest.
I became a researcher at the University of Udine in 2002, associate professor in 2005, full professor in 2018.
I am part of the Doctoral College in Art History, Film Studies, Media Studies, and Music of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage and of the FilmForum Scientific Committee.
I run the DSL/Digital Storytelling Lab and in charge of the Cinemantica laboratory.
I directed the journal "Bianco e Nero" of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Rome (2016–2017); currently on the Board of “L'avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes "(Il Mulino).
I teach Screenplay, a discipline to which I have dedicated a constant interest over the years, curating a History of the Italian screenplay (Sulla carta. Storia e storie della sceneggiatura in Italia, Lindau, Turin, 2006) designing, creating and directing a master of Screenplay; a Screenplay Archive (CRS); collaborating in the realization of the International Award for Best Screenplay Sergio Amidei.
From 2018 I coordinate the DIUM Cinema, Music and Media Culture research section.
My research interests focus on Italian cinema, screenwriting and media education.
I am responsible for the following research programs:
- PRIN 2017 (Principal Investigator) "WAYS, MEMORIES AND CULTURES OF ITALIAN CINEMATOGRAPHIC PRODUCTION (1949-1976)", conclusion of the project 2023;
- PRID 2018 Departmental research project (direction) "EPHEMERA AND ITALIAN CINEMA. SCRAPBOOKS, FAN MAIL AND DIARI OF THE SPECTATORS IN ITALY OF THE SCHEME ", conclusion of the project 2019;
- National Cinema for Schools plan, Media education project, funded by MIUR and MIBAC, 2019 project conclusion.
I personaggi dei film
Venezia 2012
Commedia all'italiana
Milano 2010
Cinema europeo
Bari 2006 (con R. Menarini)
Dino Risi. Il sorpasso
Torino 2002
Sergio Amidei, sceneggiatore
a cura di M. Comand, I. Borghese, M. Fedrizzi, Gorizia 2004
Sulla carta. Storia e storie della sceneggiatura in Italia
a cura di M. Comand, Torino 2006
Soggetti italiani
Bianco & Nero 557/558 (2007) (a cura di M. Comand, L. Mazzei)
Nuove tendenze della ricerca sul cinema in Italia
Bianco & Nero 573 (2012) (a cura di M. Comand)
2014: digitalizzazione della sala e tramonto della pellicola
Bianco & Nero 580 (2015) (a cura di M. Comand)
Alida Valli
Bianco e Nero 586 (2016) (a cura di M. Comand, S. Gundle)
Effemeridi del film. Episodi di storia materiale del cinema italiano
Milano 2021 (con A. Mariani)
Elsa de' Giorgi. Storia, discorsi e memorie del cinema
Milano-Udine, 2022.
Ephemera. Scrapbooks, fan mail e diari delle spettatrici nell'Italia del regime
Venezia 2020 (con A. Mariani)