Salvatore Lavecchia
Penso, dunque oso la libertà.

Salvatore Lavecchia
Storia della filosofia antica (PHIL-05/B)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556554
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-02
- Insegnamenti: History of Ancient Philosophy; German for Philosophers
Salvatore Lavecchia
Storia della filosofia antica (PHIL-05/B)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556554
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-02
- Insegnamenti: History of Ancient Philosophy; German for Philosophers

Penso, dunque oso la libertà.
I was a scholarship holder at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in the years 1990-1997, obtaining a Ph.D. in 1998 in Philological, Linguistic and Historical Classical Disciplines with a new critical edition of Pindar's dithyrambic fragments, accompanied by a dedicated historical-religious study to Dionysus and his mystery cults (supervisors Franco Ferrari and Walter Burkert). Drawing on some of the topics covered in my dissertation, I developed and concluded a project on assimilation to the divine (homoiôsis theôi) in Plato's philosophy, publishing the first extensive monograph on that subject.
After a few years of living in Great Britain (London, University College) and Germany (Karl-Eberhard-Universität Tübingen), in 2004 I started teaching at the University of Udine, funded by MIUR as part of the incentive program concerning the mobility of Italian scholars working abroad. Since 2009 I am an Associate Professor of History of Ancient Philosophy, and I teach in the degree course in Philosophy and Digital Transformation, as well as in the interuniversity degree course in Philosophy.
My research interests are currently concentrated on the philosophy of the Principle in Plato and Platonism, the philosophy of Plotinus, the metaphysics of light, the Socratic dialogue and its relations with different dimensions of counseling, ancient aesthetics, also in relation to points of continuity with modern and contemporary art.
I aim to integrate the horizons of ancient thought into an interdisciplinary vision, as well as to valorize those horizons within contemporary philosophical discourse - with particular regard to the philosophy of the subject, of the I and of the self - and philosophical as well as spiritual practices. In this perspective is collocated my teaching in the Master in "Philosophical Consultancy for Transformation" at the University of Verona (2010-2015) and in the Master in "Meditation and Neuroscience" at the University of Udine (from 2018).
Pindari Dithyramborum Fragmenta
Roma-Pisa 2000
Oltre l’Uno ed i Molti. Bene ed Essere nella filosofia di Platone
Milano-Udine 2010
Istante. L’esperienza dell’Illocalizzabile nella filosofia di Platone
Milano 2012 (a cura di S. Lavecchia)
Immagini della luce. Dimensioni di una metafora assoluta
Milano 2019 (a cura di S. Lavecchia)