Carlo Londero
Qui stava il torto, qui l'inveterato errore:
credere che d'altro non vi fosse acquisto che d'amore.
V. Sereni

Carlo Londero
Letteratura italiana contemporanea (L-FIL-LET/12)
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Carlo Londero
Letteratura italiana contemporanea (L-FIL-LET/12)
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Qui stava il torto, qui l'inveterato errore:
credere che d'altro non vi fosse acquisto che d'amore.
V. Sereni
I graduated in Italian Philology at the University of Udine, with a Bachelor’s thesis about Giovanni Ragagnin, an experimenter of forms and languages, and a Master’s thesis dedicated to the critical edition of Beniamino Dal Fabbro’s unpublished poetry. I then earned a Ph.D. in Bibliography, Textual and Documentary Sciences, by defending a thesis centered on the study of the variants in Empie stelle, by Giovanni Giudici - one of the greatest poets of the late 20th century.
After that I was granted a scholarship at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice, where I investigated the correspondence between two of the most important poets of the last century, Diego Valeri and Vittorio Sereni. I was also awarded a first Post-doctoral fellowship for a project on Luciano Morandini: this gave me the opportunity to study his own archive. Afterwards, I won another post-doc, this time focused on the analysis of the singular “polygrapher” Pierluigi Visentin. As “Cultore della materia” (expert) and Assistant Researcher at DIUM, I collaborate with various professors by offering the students additional courses, complementary to the regular classes.
I deal mainly with contemporary Italian poetry and with literature of the 20th century, which I investigate through the analysis of the variants, and through the observation of the formal aspects of language, metric, syntax and style. In the same way I undertake the reading of every poetic text belonging to the Italian literary tradition, from the origins to the present day.
Un vero poeta se non canta canterà. Scambi epistolari tra Diego Valeri e Vittorio Sereni
«Studi Veneziani», n.s., 77 (2018) 281–305
Sillabario per Morandini
Pasian di Prato (UD) 2019
La luna è vostra. Poesie 1969–1989
di B. Dal Fabbro, Roma 2015 (a cura di C. Londero)
Giovanni Ragagnin. Dire No al Nulla, Atti del convegno, Buja, 18 maggio 2013
Lecce 2016 (curatela)
Giovanni Giudici: ovvero le fondamenta dell’opera
"Istmi" 35–36 (2015)
Salutz. 1984–1986
di G. Giudici, Milano 2016 (con postfazione di C. Londero)