Silvia Vacirca
It was dark night when they woke up, and Hansel comforted his little sister. "Gretel," he said, "just wait till the moon rises; then we’ll see the breadcrumbs I strewed and they’ll show us the way home." When the moon rose, they started out, but they didn’t find any breadcrumbs, because the thousands of birds that fly around in the forests and fields had eaten them all up. Hansel said to Gretel: "Don’t worry, we’ll find the way," but they didn’t find it.
J. e W. Grimm

Silvia Vacirca
Cinema, fotografia e televisione (L/ART-06)
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Silvia Vacirca
Cinema, fotografia e televisione (L/ART-06)
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It was dark night when they woke up, and Hansel comforted his little sister. "Gretel," he said, "just wait till the moon rises; then we’ll see the breadcrumbs I strewed and they’ll show us the way home." When the moon rose, they started out, but they didn’t find any breadcrumbs, because the thousands of birds that fly around in the forests and fields had eaten them all up. Hansel said to Gretel: "Don’t worry, we’ll find the way," but they didn’t find it.
J. e W. Grimm
I obtained my PhD in "Theatrical and Cinematographic Studies" at the University of Bologna under the supervision of Prof. Michele Fadda, in 2010. In 2021, I obtained a second PhD in "History of Europe" (with honours) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Bellezza" italiana: il nuovo codice dell'eleganza femminile tra moda, costume e stile di vita dal 1940 al 1945.
For several years I taught Fashion & Media at the Richmond University in Rome, and occasionally worked as a TV consultant. I taught "Clothes on Film" at the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Arts, Entertainment of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", and "Fashion and Costume" at the Department of Humanities of the University of Turin. Currently I am in charge with the course in "Fashion Writing" at the Istituto Europeo di Design of Milan.
My essays, articles and reviews are published in various journals and anthologies, such as Fashion, Film & Consumption Journal, ZoneModa Journal, Cinergie, and Harper's Bazaar Italia. My essay The Celebrity Factory: New Modes of Fashion Enterpreneurship was selected for the new edition of the prestigious The Fashion Reader, edited by Linda Welters and Abby Lillethun (Bloomsbury, 2021).
In 2009, I was a Research Fellow at the Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. During this time I had the privilege of participating in the seminar "City and Cinema" by Prof. Dietrich Neumann, held at the Yale School of Architecture, New Haven, Connecticut.
In 2012 my Italian translation of Storytelling in Film and Television by Kristin Thompson won the Limina Award as best translation of the year in Cinema Studies.
I am currently a Research Fellow working on the PRIN Project F*actor. Forme dell'attorialità mediale contemporanea. Formazione, professionalizzazione, discorsi sociali in Italia (2000-2020), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. It aims at mapping and investigating the cinema and TV actor in the contemporary Italian media system through the use of methodological instruments of great originality, by combining studies on performance, celebrity and stardom with the approach of the media production studies.
My main research interests concern cinema, fashion and consumption habits, culture of modernity and Italian history.
They Had Faces then: Max Factor and the 30s Hollywood Close Up
in: M. Fadda, S. Pesce (curr.), That's Entertainment: Spectacle, Amusement and Leisure Culture (in corso di pubblicazione)
The Celebrity as Designer of His/Her Own Brand
in: L. Welther, A. Lillethun (curr.), The Fashion Reader, Bloomsbury (in corso di pubblicazione)
The Tortora Case: Assuming the Celebrity’s Guilt
Mediascapes Journal 11 (2018) 20–28
Alma, il corpo anacronistico
Cineforum 3 (2018) 9–11
The Celebrity Factory: New Modes of Fashion Entrepreneurship
ZoneModa Journal 7 (2017) 37–53
Monica Vitti: A Pop Diva
Milano 2016
Attori e attrici nella commedia all’italiana: corpo, gesto, immagine della nazione
in: G. Spagnoletti, A. Spera (curr.), Risate all’italiana. Il cinema di commedia dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi, Roma 2014 (con A. Minuze), 109–134
Dressing Checco Zalone: Popular Italian Cinema and The Rhetoric of National Character
Fashion, Film and Consumption Journal 5/1 (2016) 45–54
69 anneé érotique. La rivoluzione sessuale e il cinema italiano alla fine degli anni Sessanta
Cinergie. Il cinema e le altre arti 5 (2014) 108–118