Giacomo Vidoni

Giacomo Vidoni
Digital Story Telling Lab
- Personale tecnico
- Technician
- Tel: 0432 556617
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-05
Giacomo Vidoni
Digital Story Telling Lab
- Personale tecnico
- Technician
- Tel: 0432 556617
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-05

I work as a Technician in the Digital Storytelling Lab.
I recently started working with a small group of people – plus a secretary in Udine. Together we try to offer, year after year, increasingly efficient and accessible services: our activities range from technical support for the realisation of audiovisuals to content production for the web, without forgetting the student support for any kind of problem.
I always try to find the best solutions for my working objectives.