Interuniversitary Center for Hungarian Studies and for Studies on Central and Eastern Europe (CISUECO)
Interuniversitary Center for Hungarian Studies and for Studies on Central and Eastern Europe (CISUECO)

Official Website: CISUECO
In 1985 the Interuniversity Center for Hungarian Studies in Italy (CISUI) was first established at the University La Sapienza, in Rome. The act of foundation was however undersigned by various other universities, among which those of Bologna, Florence, Padova, Turin, Venice and Udine, as well as the Istituto Universitario Orientale of Naples.
The objective of the Center was the promotion of studies dedicated to the language, literature, history and culture of Hungary and other countries of central and eastern Europe, all this through the coordination of scientific projects, seminars and throught the organization of cultural activities such as conventions and bilateral meetings.
The CISUI – which in 2000 changed its name in CISUECO ("Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Ungheresi e sull'Europa Centro-Orientale", Interuniversitary Center for Hungarian Studies and for Studies on Central and Eastern Europe) – continued its mission over the years, by pursuing a more inclusive policy both with respect to the chairs of Magyaristic within the italian academic world, and to the hungarian cultural institutions working in Italy: the result of this synergy was – and still is – an intense activity which involves research, dissemination and national and international collaboration.
From 2014 to 2017 the CISUECO was chaired by Prof. Roberto Ruspanti, Professor of Finno-Ugric Philology at the University of Udine.