Greek and Latin Manuscripts. Libraries in the Ancient World and during the Middle Ages

Book and Document
Greek and Latin Manuscripts. Libraries in the ancient world and during the Middle Ages
Coordinator: Prof. Laura Pani
Book and Document
Greek and Latin Manuscripts. Libraries in the ancient world and during the Middle Ages
Coordinator: Prof. Laura Pani

The focus of this research group consists in the study of the manuscript in its twofold dimension, material and textual. In other words, manuscripts will be considered as products used in various contexts (culture, religion, society, collecting and fruition) within the framework of the western civilisations, for which they have historically played the role of primary instrument for recording thoughts, memories and for trasmitting knowledge.
The group objectives are thus the organization of new national and international research projects, publications, seminars, debates and discussions, trying to take on different points of view in order to attract the interest of the international historiography to the book as an object and to the history of libraries. The expected results of this activity consist of publications and the participation in seminars and conventions, as well as of more institutional teaching supports.
- The manuscript tradition of Greek classical texts
- The transmission of Latin Patristic Texts and of the Latin translations of the Greek Patristic
- Greek manuscripts from Byzantium to Italy
- Collections and libraries of Greek manuscripts
- Books and culture in the Carolingian Renaissance
- Late medieval cursive writings
- The manuscript tradition of Paul the Deacon's works
- The transmission of the works of the Medieval Latin Literature
- Form of the text and role of the paratext in the composition and fruition of the manuscripts
- Petrarch and the Classics
- Humanism and the classical tradition
- Greek manuscripts copied and owned by Humanists
- The inventories of the medieval libraries