University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Laura Pani, Vice Director

…forse il corsivo a mano diventerà una forma di nudità, una manifestazione intima e segreta, celata a tutti tranne che agli amanti, ai notai e ai banchieri.

M. Énard


Laura Pani, Vice Director

Paleografia (M-STO/09)

  • Full Professor
  • Tel.: 0432 556655
  • Email:
  • Office: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-01
  • Teachings: An Introduction to Writing in the Latin West; Ancient and Medieval Documents' Forms and Functions; Latin Palaeography and Codicology; Fundamentals of Codicology, Palaeography and Diplomatics; Latin Palaeography

Laura Pani, Vice Director

Paleografia (M-STO/09)

  • Full Professor
  • Tel.: 0432 556655
  • Email:
  • Office: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-01
  • Teachings: An Introduction to Writing in the Latin West; Ancient and Medieval Documents' Forms and Functions; Latin Palaeography and Codicology; Fundamentals of Codicology, Palaeography and Diplomatics; Latin Palaeography

…forse il corsivo a mano diventerà una forma di nudità, una manifestazione intima e segreta, celata a tutti tranne che agli amanti, ai notai e ai banchieri.

M. Énard

I graduated in Udine and continued my studies at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians of the University of Rome - La Sapienza.

Employed at the University of Udine since 1994, first as a Researcher and since 2007 as an Associate Professor. I teach Fundamentals of Codicology, Paleography and Diplomacy, Latin Paleography, Latin Paleography and Codicology, and Advanced and Diplomatic Paleography within different three-year and master degree courses. I was the coordinator of the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage and Delegate for teaching in my Department.

I deal with the history of Latin writing in the Middle Ages, manuscript traditions and the edition of documentary sources, also participating as a speaker, in numerous conferences in Italy and abroad.

At the beginning of my career I also dealt with manuscript cataloging, catalog publishing of dated manuscripts of the Municipal Library of Treviso, the subject of my thesis, and in 1998 the catalog of medieval codes of the Capitular Library of Cividale del Friuli.

In my research activity I prefer the early Middle Ages: I deal with the manuscript tradition of the Historia Langobardorum of Paul the Deacon and more generally of Carolingian age codexes, with particular regard to the Italo-northern writing centers, the copyists and the collections libraries. Also linked to the personality of Paul the Deacon is the research I am conducting, in collaboration with Lucia Castaldi, on the Carolingian collection of letters by Gregorio Magno known as Collectio Pauli.

In more recent years I have approached the lower Middle Ages, in terms of the history of both writing and documentation. I participated in meetings of the permanent seminar on cursive writings established in 2006 in Paris, for which I studied the characteristics of the notarial writings of the thirteenth century and the teaching and learning techniques of writing in the contemporary era. I work on the EMoBookTrade project funded by the European Research Council, focusing on the correspondence of the Venetian bookseller Giovan Antonio Gabiano (1522).

For the series ‘Fonti per la storia della Chiesa in Friuli. Serie medievale', by the Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages, I published in 2009 the edition of the two notebooks of a patriarchal notary of the second half of the thirteenth century and in 2015 that of the obituary of the Fabbri fraternal of Udine. In 2018 I published, in collaboration with Gianmarco De Angelis and Cristina Mantegna, the volume XCIX-Italy LXXI of the Chartae Latinae Antiquiores – 2nd series.

At the end of 2012, during some research in view of the 2013 Boccaccio year, I discovered that the Harley 5383 manuscript of the British Library in London, containing an almost complete copy of Paul the Deacon's Historia Langobardorum, is entirely signed by Giovanni Boccaccio. This fact also resonated in the national press.

Since 2015 I am the responsible director of Scrineum Rivista.



Paul the Deacon’s Historia Langobardorum in Anglo-Norman England

in: L. Cleaver and A.Worm (ed.), Writing History in the Anglo-Norman World. Manuscripts, Makers and Readers, c. 1066–1250, York 2018, 113–131

«Simillima pestis Florentie et quasi per universum orbem»: Boccaccio e la Historia Langobardorum di Paolo Diacono

in: A. Ferracin, M. Venier (curr.), Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione, fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca, Udine 2014, 93–131

Gualtiero e gli altri: aspetti della corsività a Cividale nella seconda metà del XIII secolo

in: C. Del Camino Martínez (cur.), De la herencia romana a la procesal castellana: diez siglos de cursividad. Actas del IV encuentro internacional del Seminario permanente «Escrituras cursivas», Sevilla 2018, 53–76

Manuscript Production in Urban Centres: Graphic and Textual Typologies

in: C. Larocca, P. Majocchi (curr.), Urban Identities in Northern Italy (800–1100 ca.), Turnhout 2015, 274–306

Solino in onciale

Scrineum Rivista 14 (2017) 3–22