Lucia Castaldi
Quamvis enim melius sit bene facere quam nosse, prius tamen est nosse quam facere
Per quanto infatti fare ciò che è bene sia meglio del sapere, bisogna tuttavia sapere in primo luogo cosa è bene fare.
Karolus Magnus

Lucia Castaldi
Letteratura latina medievale e umanistica (FLMR-01/A)
- Professoressa ordinaria
- Tel: 0432 556189
- Email:
- Studio: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-01
- Insegnamenti: Fundamentals of Philology and Textual Criticism; Medieval Latin Literature; Tradition and Reception of the Latin Classics in the Humanism; Medieval Latin Philology
Lucia Castaldi
Letteratura latina medievale e umanistica (FLMR-01/A)
- Professoressa ordinaria
- Tel: 0432 556189
- Email:
- Studio: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-01
- Insegnamenti: Fundamentals of Philology and Textual Criticism; Medieval Latin Literature; Tradition and Reception of the Latin Classics in the Humanism; Medieval Latin Philology

Quamvis enim melius sit bene facere quam nosse, prius tamen est nosse quam facere
Per quanto infatti fare ciò che è bene sia meglio del sapere, bisogna tuttavia sapere in primo luogo cosa è bene fare.
Karolus Magnus
I graduated from University of Florence (tutor: Claudio Leonardi). The subject of my thesis - the handwritten transmission of Gregory the Great's Life, realized in the IX century by John the Deacon - was also the subject of my doctoral thesis in Mediolatin Philology, carried out under Giovanni Orlandi's supervision. After the doctoral thesis, my research, always focused on philological analysis of texts, was carried on giving priority to the autoptic analyse of manuscripts through stays in Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), Berlin (Staatsbibliothek; DAAD grant), Oxford (Duke Humfrey’s Library of the Bodleian Library; Alessandro Vaciago grant) and Munich (MGH- Monumenta Germaniae Historica; Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung grant).
Chair professor of Medieval Latin Literature at the University of Udine since 2006, I teach the following subjects: Medieval Latin Literature, Philology and Textual Criticism and History of Textual Transmission for bachelor degree; Medieval Philology (Classics: Archaeology, History, Literatures) and Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature (Italian Studies) for master's degree. The courses for the three-year degree have methodological character: the aims is to give students preliminary knowledge and tools for philological research on medieval manuscripts and documents; the master's degree courses, on the other hand, involve students in practical exercises on manuscripts and textual reconstruction, through the philological examination and the constitution of the stemma codicum.
I am a member of the PhD faculty board Scienze del testo dal Medioevo alla modernità of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and of the Corso di perfezionamento postuniversitario in filologia e letteratura latina medievale of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL) and the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini in Florence.
The topics of my researches are principally directed to the VI century (transmission of Gregory the Great's works, their indirect transmission and the gregorian agiographies), to the Irish exegesis (Lathcen, De mirabilibus sacrae Scripturae), to the Carolingian period (Paul the Deacon, John the Deacon, Fridugisus) and to the XIth century, the so called " Investiture Controversy" (Vita Mathildis di Donizone, Anselm of Canterbury, Vita Anselmi Lucensis episcopi).
On behalf of SISMEL and Fondazione Ezio Franceschini of Florence, I'm the Director of the project La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo - Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission (Te.Tra.). The project is composed by two sections: the oldest one (started in 2004 with the first volume Te.Tra. 1) analyzes the handwritten transmission and critically evaluates the editions of the Medieval Latin works; the second one (Tetra. Studies, just published) provides application cases of the theoretical principles of philological discipline.
«Vobis expetentibus». L'allestimento del dossier sulla vita di Anselmo da Lucca: genesi tradizione manoscritta, attribuzione
«Hagiographica» 26 (2019) 67–151
«Tabulae» spezzate, invertite e ampliate nella «Vita Gregorii» di Giovanni Immonide
in: L. Castaldi, V. Mattaloni (curr.), Diagnostica Testuale. Le «Tabulae capitulorum», Firenze 2019 (Te.Tra. Studies 1), 3–41
La Vita Mathildis di Donizone di Canossa fra tradizione manoscritta e opportunità politica
in: Matilde di Canossa e il suo tempo. Atti del XXI Congresso internazionale di studio sull’alto medioevo (San Benedetto Po - Revere - Mantova - Quattro Castella, 20-24 ottobre 2015), Spoleto 2016, 323–353
La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo – Mediaeval Latin Texts and their Transmission, TE.TRA. 5, Gregorius I papa
a cura di L. Castaldi, con un saggio conclusivo sulla Regula Pastoralis di Paolo Chiesa, Firenze 2013