University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Italian studies



Italian studies

Seats: Udine and Trieste
Coordinator (UNITS): Prof. Sergia Adamo

Video presentation (Italian only)


Italian studies

Seats: Udine and Trieste
Coordinator (UNITS): Prof. Sergia Adamo

Video presentation (Italian only)

Words are but the signs of ideas.

Samuel Johnson

Starting this year, the Master's degree course in Italian Studies proposes three new study programmes (Historical-philological, Intercultural and interliguistic, Digital) aiming at preparing leading professionals in the fields of education, research and cultural and linguistic communication.

Thanks to the cooperation between the Universities of Udine and Trieste and the ensuing integration of methods and competences, the course provides experimental paths focused mainly on the forms of linguistic and cultural transmission, enriched with seminars, conventions and laboratories.

The Master's degree in Italian Studies prepares therefore primarily for research (in the academic sphere and/or at cultural institutions and bodies, both in Italy and abroad) and education, but it also opens doors to careers in the fields of publishing, journalism and web writing, advertising and marketing, as well as in the spheres of transcultural mediation, public and private administration and management of a customer relations and human resources.