University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

History of Art

LM storia dell'arte e conservazione

Objective: Art

History of Art

Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Donata Battilotti
Video presentation (Italian only)

Objective: Art

History of Art

Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Donata Battilotti
Video presentation (Italian only)

The course in History of Art is aimed at art loving students who seek a specialized training in order to cover high level positions with important responsibilities within public and private institutions dealing with research, preservation, enhancement, management, promotion and dissemination of the historical-artistic heritage.

It provides advanced skills in the various fields of figurative arts and architecture – from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age, from the methods and techniques of restoration and cataloguing to the use of the Web. Taught lessons are combined with seminarsworkshopslaboratory activitiesvisits to relevant exhibitions, museums and monuments, and internships in public/private institutions operating in the cultural sector.

Graduates will be able to find work as curatormuseum officer, exhibition planner, artistic evaluatoreditor. They can also access further education, in order to find employment in schools, by teaching History of Art, or in other institutions like universitiesmuseums and Government’s department of cultural affairs.