University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Cultural and event tourism management

Gestione del turismo new

Discovering Cultural Heritage

Cultural and event tourism management

Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Costantini
Video presentation
(Italian only)

Discovering Cultural Heritage

Cultural and event tourism management

Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Costantini
Video presentation
(Italian only)

Tourism is an expanding sector, calling for a long-term significant increase. The programme in Cultural and event tourism management is aimed at  graduates interested in qualifying themselves as experts within this promising professional sphere and offers them a transversal education, which covers sound economic expertisemanagement skills (especially regarding the promotion and supervision of tourism products and systems in different contexts), as well as linguisticgeographicalhistorical and artistic competences.

The didactic approach will not be merely theoretical – on the contrary, particular attention will be given to practice: besides lectures (which are held in Italian during the first year, in English during the second, with the possibility to take online classes and/or see them again on demand), the course includes thematic laboratoriesinternships and collaborations with high-profile professionals. The exchange of technical know-how will also be promoted, both by inviting qualified testimonials and by confronting with external realities through the Erasmus project.

The objective will be thus to foster the acquisition of those skills required in the context of the promotion and management of cultural events – firsthand, as cultural administratorcommunication and event managerevent coordinatorpress representativeadvisor for local authorities, foundations, private enterprises etc., or as trainer of new profiles involved in the touristic promotion of the territory.