University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Francesco Costantini

Sì, questa è la cosa bella del linguaggio – che possiamo fare ciò che non abbiamo imparato.

L. Wittgenstein


Francesco Costantini

Glottologia e linguistica (L-LIN/01)

  • Associate professor
  • Tel.: 0432 556519
  • Email:
  • Office: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-04
  • Teachings: Sociolinguistics; Historical Linguistics; Digital Methodologies in Linguistics; Communication and Special Language for Tourism; Indo-European Linguistics

Francesco Costantini

Glottologia e linguistica (L-LIN/01)

  • Associate professor
  • Tel.: 0432 556519
  • Email:
  • Office: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-04
  • Teachings: Sociolinguistics; Historical Linguistics; Digital Methodologies in Linguistics; Communication and Special Language for Tourism; Indo-European Linguistics

Sì, questa è la cosa bella del linguaggio – che possiamo fare ciò che non abbiamo imparato.

L. Wittgenstein

I graduated in Udine in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures (English and German) with a thesis in History of Linguistics and I continued my studies at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where I obtained a PhD in Linguistics with a thesis on some issues related to the syntax and semantics of subordinate sentences in Italian and Romance languages. At the same university I spent a period of post-doctoral research, during which I dealt with various aspects of the syntax of subordination.
Since 2016 I have been working at the University of Udine, where I teach Glottology and Sociolinguistics (three-year degree in Humanities), Indoeuropean Glottology (Master's Degree in Classics: Archaeology, History, Literatures) and Communication and Special Language for Tourism (Master's Degree in Cultural and Event Tourism Management).
My research interests mainly concern syntactic analysis, from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, descriptive and formal, in the context of Romance languages ​​and more: I have recently begun to deal with syntax problems in contact contexts such as German-speaking linguistic islands in Northern Italy - an area, that of linguistic contact, widely researched by scholars of the University of Udine, primarily Roberto Gusmani. I also deal with the history of language ideas and issues related to the Italian language in the world, a subject of particular attention at the DIUM Communication and Linguistics Laboratory, of which I am a member.


Su alcuni presunti casi di interferenza sintattica nel dialetto alto-tedesco di Sauris/Zahre

in: R. Bombi, F. Costantini (curr.), Percorsi linguistici e interlinguistici. Studi in onore di Vincenzo Orioles, Udine 2018, 135–144

Note interlinguistiche su «narrazione», «narrativa» e «storytelling»

Studi di lessicografia italiana 36 (2019) 323–339

On infinitives and floating quantification

Linguistic Inquiry 41/3 (2010) 487–496

Verb second in Saurian main clauses

in: F. Costantini (cur.), Syntactic variation. The view from the German-language islands in northeastern Italy, Udine 2019, 117–134

Per un repertorio degli italianismi nel lessico bulgaro

in: R. Bombi (cur.), Italiano nel mondo: per una nuova visione, Udine 2018, 61–124

Le leggi fonetiche nella filosofia del linguaggio di Croce

in: F. Da Milano, A. Scala, M. Vai, R. Zama (curr.), La cultura linguistica italiana in confronto con le culture linguistiche di altri paesi europei dall'Ottocento in poi, Roma 2018, 223–238

On the argument structure of the causative construction: evidence from scope interactions

in: I. Franco, S. Lusini, A. Saab (curr.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010. Selected papers from "Going Romance" Leiden 2010, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2012, 203–220

Obviation in Subjunctive Clauses and the First-Personal Interpretation

in: M. Frascarelli (cur.), Phases of Interpretation, Berlin 2006, 325–349