Communication and Linguistics Lab

Communication and Linguistics Lab
Scientific Director: Prof. Raffaella Bombi
Members: Prof. Francesco Costantini, Prof. Vincenzo Orioles, Dr. Diego Sidraschi, Dr. Francesco Zuin
Venue: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-06
Telephone: +39 0432 556516
Communication and Linguistics Lab
Scientific Director: Prof. Raffaella Bombi
Members: Prof. Francesco Costantini, Prof. Vincenzo Orioles, Dr. Diego Sidraschi, Dr. Francesco Zuin
Venue: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-06
Telephone: +39 0432 556516

The Communication and Linguistics Lab is a structure aimed at research, education and the transfer of those knowledge pertaining to the Department it belongs to. Therefore it:
- promotes e supports scientific research activities within the fields of Linguistics and Communication;
- performs support activities concerning education and post-graduate training, also in e-learning;
- is involved in research in the sector of e-learning;
- acts as a meeting point for the development of scientific and educational projects, and for scientific and cultural events open to scholars, students, doctoral candidates, research collaborators;
- organizes conventions, seminars, workshops and conferences;
- coordinates and offers training courses (refresher classes, specialization courses, professional updating);
- hosts internships related to the topics it covers;
- conducts research for third parties upon specific agreements.
Scientific sections of the Lab and ongoing projects
a) Observatory for Institutional Communication
Scientific Director: Prof. Raffaella Bombi
Research Group: Prof. Francesco Costantini, Dr. Francesco Zuin
Scientific and educational projects
Linguists of the University of Udine have long ago made the topic of language and institutional communication a permanent research theme, which proceeds in parallel with the organization of courses and structured training actions, conventions and seminars addressed also to operators working in the public administration.
The project focuses on the theme of institutional and international communication, with particular attention to the interaction between public administration and the citizen. Research topics are especially simplification, readability, transparency, and the strategic role of ICTs and the new forms of communication, between Social Media and Web 2.0.
b) Observatory for Italian Language around the World
Scientific Director: Prof. Raffaella Bombi
Research Group: Prof. Francesco Costantini, Dr. Francesco Zuin, Dr. Diego Sidraschi
Scientific and educational project
The objective of this project is a survey of the linguistic situation experienced by the younger generations descended from Italian emigrants. This serves a double function: on the one side, it aims at increasing the knowledge of a relevant subject concerning the diffusion of the Italian language and culture around the world; on the other, it is intended to offer support to those institutions dedicated to the dissemination of the Italian language, for example by analysing the fortune, prestige and attractivity of Italian abroad recurring to specific research and educational activities. Particular attention is given to the topics of new linguistic formations in specific sectors (for example, within the "Made in Italy") and the new forms of language diffusion through the ICTs and their powerful tools, like e-learning and Moocs. Besides those strictly scientific purposes, the project expects further effects also through the specialization course Valori identitari e imprenditorialità (10th edition).
c) Laboratory for Metalanguage, History of the Linguistic Theories
Scientific Director: Prof. Raffaella Bombi
Scientific and educational projects
Over time Italian researchers have developed a strong attraction towards the topic of Metalanguage in Linguistics, which has resulted in their participation to many projects of national relevance. This one in particular aims at deepening the terminological density of the works of Italian and foreign scholars, by looking into single categories or consistent terminological units, as well as by dedicating to a constant methodological reflection, which can detect the turning points and the discontinuities within the paradigm. The digitisation of the works of various authors is also part of the project, in order to make them accesible online in open format. In collaboration with CERLA and the Società Italiana di Glottologia, the Lab organizes the following activities:
- Summer School in Glottology and Linguistics
- Winter School in Glottology
- Cycles of meetings, conventions and conferences
d) Observatory on Linguistic Minorities in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Scientific Director: Prof. Francesco Costantini
Research Group: Dr. Francesco Zuin, Dr. Diego Sidraschi
Scientific and educational projects
The Observatory aims at supporting scientific research and education with the purpose of promoting the multilingual heritage in Friuli Venezia Giulia and raising awareness through dissemination. In conjunction with the various projects developed, the Observatory intends to enhance the relating documentation and the analytical knowledge of the linguistic minorities, as well as to create digital archives, openly accessible, in order to offer the local communities an important means for status planning and corpus planning – and to provide scholars with precious study materials.
Available Equipment
- 3 workstations with internet access
- 2 laptops
- 1 Wi-Fi printer
- 1 portable videocamera
- 1 portable video-projector
- software for the digitisation and the analysis of texts for scientific purposes and for online publication