Papyrology Lab

Papyrology Lab
Scientific Director: Prof. Giuseppina Azzarello
Venue: Palazzo Falconieri, ground floor, room LT-002
Telephone: +39 0432 556515
Opening hours: by appointment
Papyrology Lab
Scientific Director: Prof. Giuseppina Azzarello
Venue: Palazzo Falconieri, ground floor, room LT-002
Telephone: +39 0432 556515
Opening hours: by appointment

The Papyrology Lab was established by Franco Maltomini, at the time full professor of this discipline at the University of Udine, and by Giuseppina Azzarello, currently Associate Professor of DIUM.
Located in Palazzo Falconieri, it is provided with last generation computer tools for the creation of databases and digital archives, a scanner, a camera, a laptop and an iPad, all devices used for a more interactive educational approach. It has also a small but significant bibliographical collection, which comprises the fundamental instruments for the decipherment and the interpretation of papyrological texts.
The Lab hosts activities connected with the study of ancient papyri, which require the use of high resolution images: the analysis of writing materials, the decipherment of the texts and the virtual rejoining of scattered fragments.
Students of First and Second Cycle Degree Courses can test the skills acquired during the theoretical lessons by cataloguing, archiving and studying images of papyri belonging to various international collections. The Lab offers also the possibility to carry out activities valid for acquiring the credits for internship.
A small gallery of portraits of the greatest Papyrologists of the past inspires the efforts of the new generations.
Available Equipment
- 2 computers Apple iMac
- 1 laptop Macbook Pro
- 1 tablet iPad
- 1 scanner
- software FileMaker Pro
- 1 digital camera
- 1 video projector