Ancient Heritage Studies

Research Doctorate
Ancient Heritage Studies
- Find out more: Official webpage
- Interuniversity course with: University Ca' Foscari of Venice, University of Trieste
Philology History Archaeology
Seat: Venice
Coordinator (Ca' Foscari): Prof. Luigi Sperti
Research Doctorate
Ancient Heritage Studies
- Find out more: Official webpage
- Interuniversity course with: University Ca' Foscari of Venice, University of Trieste
Philology History Archaeology
Seat: Venice
Coordinator (Ca' Foscari): Prof. Luigi Sperti
The doctorate in Ancient Heritage Studies promotes a unitary vision of the ancient world, and reconstructs it through the harmonic integration of the philological, historical, and archaeological perspectives – each one in accordance with their own subject matters and methodologies. The objective of this joint effort is to educate highly qualified scholars who can successfully enter the academic as well as the working world.
The programme is structured in three curricula:
- Philology and Literature, whose main themes are: text transmission, textual critic, intertextuality, translations, literary history, exegesis, text editions (both from medieval and papyrological tradition);
- History, whose main themes are: historical and philological research concerning the Near East, the Aegean and the Graeco-Roman world;
- Archaeology, whose main themes are: archaeological research within Prehistory, Protohistory, Near East, Aegean, and Graeco-Roman, medieval and post-medieval world.