History, Philosophy and Political-Social Studies

Research Doctorate
History, Philosophy and Political-Social Studies
- Interuniversity course with: University of Trieste
- Find out more: Official webpage
History of border areas Society, Economy, Institutions Cultural, Commercial and Religious exchanges from a Transnational perspective History of Thought and Philosophies
Seat: Trieste
Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Ferrari
Research Doctorate
History, Philosophy and Political-Social Studies
- Interuniversity course with: University of Trieste
- Find out more: Official webpage
History of border areas Society, Economy, Institutions Cultural, Commercial and Religious exchanges from a Transnational perspective History of Thought and Philosophies
Seat: Trieste
Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Ferrari
The doctorate, organized in four thematically intertwined curricula, aims at educating new scholars able to identify and investigate complex case-studies in the fields of History and Philosophy, and to conduct reliable researches within those spheres, starting with a critical choice of the sources, passing through the analysis of data, evidence, themes, concepts and methods – with a special focus on the international debate –, and ending up with the production of a scientific text, consistent and properly structured.
A pivotal aspect of this preparation is its interdisciplinary, diachronic and comparative approach – which is essential in order to reach that deep understanding of the present (and consequently, of the future) that nowadays is dramatically lacking. The course's goal is thus the promotion of an urgent reflection on the role of humanities – and, more specifically, History and Philosophy – not only within the academic context, but also as key to a full understanding of our society and its developments.