Università degli Studi di Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Philosophy and Digital Transformation

Nuovo corso di laurea triennale: Filosofia e trasformazione digitale

New Bachelor's Degree

Philosophy and Digital Transformation

Seats: Udine
Duration: 3 years
Credits: 180
Access: unrestricted
Info: salvatore.lavecchia@uniud.it
Official webpageLanding page
Course presentation

New Bachelor's Degree

Philosophy and Digital Transformation

Seats: Udine
Duration: 3 years
Credits: 180
Access: unrestricted
Info: salvatore.lavecchia@uniud.it
Official webpageLanding page
Course presentation

Nuovo corso di laurea triennale: Filosofia e trasformazione digitale


Philosophy and Digital Transformation is the first course in Italy dedicated to the study of the scientific, cultural and social innovations generated by the digital technologies. It aims at developing a critical and rigorous thinking in this field, which is necessary in order to shed light and give sense to the meeting point with these complex and pervasive transformations.


The course benefits from the quality of the research performed by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - one of the first in Italy that offered a course in Computer Science – and by the Department of Humanistic Studies and Cultural Heritage, which was recognised by the Italian Ministery of Education as a Department of Excellence.


The course organisation is based on the belief that a strongly interdisciplinary curriculum cannot