Fabiana Savorgnan Cergneu di Brazzà
Un’ora di lezione può cambiare la vita.

Fabiana Savorgnan Cergneu di Brazzà
Letteratura italiana (ITAL-01/A)
- Professoressa associata
- Tel: 0432 249893
- Email: fabiana.dibrazza@uniud.it
- Studio: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-02
- Insegnamenti: Travel Narratives; Italian Language and Writing
Fabiana Savorgnan Cergneu di Brazzà
Letteratura italiana (ITAL-01/A)
- Professoressa associata
- Tel: 0432 249893
- Email: fabiana.dibrazza@uniud.it
- Studio: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-02
- Insegnamenti: Travel Narratives; Italian Language and Writing

Un’ora di lezione può cambiare la vita.
I graduated in Literature from the University of Venice, starting my work as a teacher in schools. From 2005 I was a researcher in Italian literature, and since 2022 I am Associate Professor. I obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the functions of second level University Professor of Italian literature in 2012 and 2016.
Until today I have taught Italian Literature at the University of Udine's Course of Primary Education. I currently teach Travel Narratives at the University of Udine Degree Course in Cultural Tourism. I taught Italian Literature at the University of Padua. I am part of the Ph.D. in Italian Studies at the University of Venice, of the Master's Council in L2 and of the International Center for Multilingualism of the University of Udine. I am a member of CIRVI, ADI and the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Udine. I am referee for the "Annals of the Giovanni Verga Foundation".
Literary research concerns in particular the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: epistolography, popular literature, travel literature, feminine writing. In the context of my philological interests I published Filologia e canti popolari nel carteggio Michele Barbi-Renata Steccati (1930–1940) (Florence 2009) and the volume Conversazioni letterarie. Cultura e società nelle scritture private di intellettuali italiani tra Settecento e Ottocento (Udine 2016). On the subject of geographic explorations and their literary implications, I have published various studies including the volume Viaggi e letteratura nell’Italia dell’Ottocento (Trieste 2018). As part of my research on epistolography, I published literary correspondence from eighteenth and nineteenth century intellectuals.
My educational background includes a Master's Degree in Didactic Innovation and Orientation. I worked with the University of Udine in the Specialization Schools for teaching and then as a supervisor of the internship activities. I deepened the field of professional writing, acquiring the title of Trainer of written communication at the University of Venice. I taught professional writing and didactics of Italian in Masters organized by the University of Udine and the Performing Arts of Gorizia and at the Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine. I coordinated projects related to writing and Italian in the schools of the Region and in the context of my course. My activity has always taken into consideration the relationship with the territory and for this reason I engaged both in juries of literary awards or other initiatives for the enhancement of cultural heritage, and in the dissemination of knowledge acquired in the context of my research collaborating with various institutions of the territory (including the Teatro Giovanni da Udine).
L’altrove narrativo nella produzione letteraria di Carlo Sgorlon
in: Atti del Convegno Mouvances des frontières et ciselures identitaires dans la littérature contemporaine, 19 ottobre 2016, Università di Clermont-Ferrand, marzo 2018, 147–157
Viaggi e letteratura nell’Italia dell’Ottocento
Trieste 2018
Il senso di modernità di Cesarotti
Moderna 20/1-2 (2018) 41–47