Matteo Cadario
From murals and statues / we get a glimpse of what / the Old Ones bowed down to, / but cannot conceit / in what situations they blushed / or shrugged their shoulders
Dagli affreschi e dalle statue / possiamo farci un’idea di cosa / gli Antichi adoravano, / ma non possiamo concepire / in quali situazioni arrossivano / o facevano spallucce
W. H. Auden

Matteo Cadario
Archeologia classica (ARCH-01/D)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556161
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, L2-11
- Insegnamenti: Roman Archaeology; Art History of Late Antiquity for Tourism; Iconographic Tradition and Imagery in Greek and Roman World
Matteo Cadario
Archeologia classica (ARCH-01/D)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556161
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, L2-11
- Insegnamenti: Roman Archaeology; Art History of Late Antiquity for Tourism; Iconographic Tradition and Imagery in Greek and Roman World

From murals and statues / we get a glimpse of what / the Old Ones bowed down to, / but cannot conceit / in what situations they blushed / or shrugged their shoulders
Dagli affreschi e dalle statue / possiamo farci un’idea di cosa / gli Antichi adoravano, / ma non possiamo concepire / in quali situazioni arrossivano / o facevano spallucce
W. H. Auden
I wanted to be an archaeologist since always, and for this reason, after completing a high school diploma, I graduated in Classics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan with a thesis in Roman archeology (1994), I did a specialization at university from Aix en Provence in 1996, I specialized in Classical Archeology at the University of Milan (2000) and received my doctorate from the University of Perugia (2003).
From 2004 to 2009 I taught Archeology and History of Roman Art at the University of Milan; from 2014 to 2015 Archeology of the Provinces at the School of Specialization of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. I have participated in the organization of exhibitions and preparation of various catalogs and worked in scholastic publishing. I was eventually hired as an associate professor of Classical Archeology at the University of Udine in November 2014. I currently teach Roman Archeology, History of Greek and Roman Art and Exegesis of (Archaeological) Sources.
I mainly deal with Greek and Roman sculpture, with a particular interest in military images, the language of bodies in the Hellenistic and Roman portrayal and the relationship between the choice of a particular statuary type and its context. Another more specific theme of which I am interested in are the quotations of statues and the lexicon referring to sculpture, above all honorary, in ancient sources. My other works have been dedicated to iconography, modern collecting of antiquity and the memory of antiquity.
Lombardia romana. Arte e architettura
a cura di M. Cadario, Milano 2008
Il volto di Augusto ex Ponto e la pietas non ignota di Ovidio. Imagines imperiali in contesto domestico
in: C. Battistella (cur.), Ovidio a Tomi. Saggi sulle opere dell’esilio, Sesto San Giovanni 2019, 129–147
Ercole e Commodo. Indossare l’habitus di Ercole, un ‘nuovo’ basileion schema nella costruzione dell’immagine imperiale
in: A. Galimberti (cur.), Erodiano. Tra crisi e trasformazione, Milano 2017, 39–72
Reception and Transformation of the Greek Repertory in Roman late-Republican Portraits: the role of the fringed cloak in the military image
in: E. von den Hoff, F. Queyrel, É. Perrin-Saminadayar (curr.), Eikones. Portraits en contexte. Recherches nouvelles sur les portraits grecs, Venosa 2016, 295–315.
L’ostentazione del lusso nel trionfo di Cn. Manlio Vulsone e la funzione di abaci e kylikeia nel modo ellenistico e romano
Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 40-41 (2015/2016) 7–20
Gli spazi pubblici di rappresentazione tra memoria civica e celebrazione imperiale a Luni e in Cisalpina
in: S. Agusta-Boularot, E. Rosso (curr.), Signa et tituli. Monuments et espaces de représentation en Gaule Méridionale sous le regard croisé de la sculpture et de l'épigraphie, Aix-en Provence 2015, 91–110
Preparing for Triumph. Graecae Artes as Roman Booty in L. Mummius’ Campaign (146 BC)
in: C.H. Lange, F.J. Vervaet (curr.), The Roman Republican Triumph beyond the Spectacle, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici – Suppl. 45, Roma 2014, 83–101.
Il linguaggio dei corpi nel ritratto romano
in: E. La Rocca, C. Parisi Presicce, con A. Lo Monaco (curr.), Ritratti. Le tante facce del potere, Roma 2011, 209–221.
L’immagine di una vedette del pantomimo: l’altare funebre di Teocritus Pylades (CIL 5889) tra Lodi e Milano
Stratagemmi. Prospettive Teatrali 9 (2009) 11–62
«Signum periturae Troiae». Gli “altri Laocoonti” nella pittura romana
in: G. Bejor (cur.), Il Laocoonte dei Musei Vaticani 500 anni dalla scoperta, Milano 2007, 45–103.
“…Ad arricchire la Lombardia con uno de’ più preziosi avanzi dell’antichità”: il Tiberio colossale del Castellazzo degli Arconati
Archivio Storico Lombardo 133 (2007) 11–50
I Claudi Marcelli: strategie di propaganda in monumenti onorari e dediche votive tra III e I sec. a.C.
Ostraka 14/2 (2005) 147–177
La “Toilette di Pegaso” nella “Croce di Desiderio” a Brescia
ACME 52/2 (1999) 201–218