University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Barbara Melilla

Con il talento si vincono le partite, ma è con il lavoro di squadra e l’intelligenza che si vincono i campionati.

M. Jordan


Barbara Melilla

Servizio di Supporto alla didattica

  • Administrative staff
  • Tel.: 0432 556784
  • Email:
  • Office: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.3

Barbara Melilla

Servizio di Supporto alla didattica

  • Administrative staff
  • Tel.: 0432 556784
  • Email:
  • Office: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.3

Con il talento si vincono le partite, ma è con il lavoro di squadra e l’intelligenza che si vincono i campionati.

M. Jordan

I am a would-be teacher, with a background in Sport Science.
At the beginning of my career within the University of Udine, I was in charge with the administrative and accounting management of a university consortium active in biomedical research, then I was transferred to the didactic sector – my other passion along with sport.
Currently I deal with data entry and management concerning the educational activities of DIUM (First and Second Cycle Degree Courses, Postgraduate course in Artistic and Historical Heritage), by using two different computer systems – one meant for teachers (ugov) and one for students (esse3) – which require of me a continuous training update. More specifically, my task consists in programming the courses of every curricula offered, as well as exams, and in constantly revising the codes of student booklets. Offering support to students and teachers is my speciality.