Stefania Capellupo
Audentis fortuna iuvat.
La fortuna aiuta gli audaci.

Stefania Capellupo
Responsabile del Servizio di Supporto alla ricerca\
- Personale amministrativo
- Tel: 0432 556150
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.8
Stefania Capellupo
Responsabile del Servizio di Supporto alla ricerca\
- Personale amministrativo
- Tel: 0432 556150
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.8

Audentis fortuna iuvat.
La fortuna aiuta gli audaci.
After High School, when choosing the University course, my interest in the humanistic subjects prevailed and I graduated with a B.A. in Humanities (Laurea in Lettere), with a thesis in Latin philology. After that I kept on broadening my studies with a Ph.D. in Ancient Heritage Studies (Dottorato in Scienze dell’Antichità) at the University of Udine.
I was hired at the University of Udine in 1994 and I realized that the methodological accuracy and the systematic organization of my work tasks, acquired during my education, helped me managing more easily issues under an administrative and legal aspect, which occur daily at work.
Until 2009 I worked in the Student Support Dept.: first I was involved in administering students’ universitary careers, then in entry tests to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery; finally, after a work experience of about two years at the Legal and Institutional Dept. of the University, I returned to the Student Support Dept. in charge of the Medical Specialization Schools.
In 2009 I moved to the Reseach Support Dept., thus acquiring new skills and after that, I was offered in 2011 to oversee research projects and excavation campaigns within the Department of History and Cultural Heritage, which merged later in the Department of Humanities.
I am currently in charge of the Research Support Service of this Department. Thanks to an excellent harmony and fruitful collaboration with my colleagues, I coordinate and oversee the pertinent activities such as supporting scholars in applying to competitive calls, monitoring and reporting activities of regional, national and international research projects, stipulation of research agreements, overseeing the archaeological excavation campaigns and the procedures related to research grants.
Our strengths are: great attention towards users’ needs, courtesy, promptness and problem solving.