Gianandrea Sasso
Viva la resolution!

Gianandrea Sasso
Responsabile dei laboratori di cinema
- Personale tecnico
- Technical Manager
- Tel: 0432 556617 – 0482 580300
- Email:
- Studio: Udine: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-05a – Gorizia: Palazzo del Cinema, Piazza Vittoria, 41
Gianandrea Sasso
Responsabile dei laboratori di cinema
- Personale tecnico
- Technical Manager
- Tel: 0432 556617 – 0482 580300
- Email:
- Studio: Udine: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-05a – Gorizia: Palazzo del Cinema, Piazza Vittoria, 41

Viva la resolution!
I am a Technician with an IT specialisation. Since very young I have been involved in TV and cinema production techniques. I started my professional career in 1989 by producing a documentary and since then I have never stopped dealing with audiovisuals.
Around the Mid-'90s I had the chance to know Prof. Leonardo Quaresima, who introduced me to the cinematographic restoration. That activity has become my main activity since 2002.
In September 2000 I was offered to launch the first teaching support laboratory for the new Degree Course in Performing Arts at the Centro Polifunzionale in Gorizia. Over time, three laboratories were established:
- La Camera ottica – film and video restoration (2002), specialised in preservation and restoration of substandard film formats;
- CREA – Center for Audiovisual Research and Processing (2004), at first active in audiovisual production, then also in the preservation and restoration of magnetic video supports of the '70s.
- DSL – Digital Storytelling Lab (2017), result of the collaboration between the University of Udine and Liceo Stellini, located in Palazzo Caiselli.
I am the Technical Manager of all three cinema labs, and I deal not only with their ordinary and extraordinary operations, but also with the projects they are involved in.
Due to the fact that technologies are constantly and rapidly evolving, I try to keep myself updated by attending training courses and by taking care of the network of professionals that have operated in the laboratories during these years.