Research Center for Languages and Their Applications (CERLA)
Research Center for Languages and Their Applications (CERLA)

Chairman: Prof. Vincenzo Orioles
Vice Chair: Prof. Raffaella Bombi
Founded on 21st July 2014, the Research Center for Languages and Their Applications (CERLA) aims at promoting and coordinating on the whole national territory research, projects and events relating to Linguistics and Communication, by implementing initiatives which, according to its memebrs, could better suit this objective.
Its founding members are Vincenzo Orioles (Chairman, University of Udine), Raffaella Bombi (Vice Chair, University of Udine), Alberto Monaco (Secretary Treasurer, University L'Orientale of Naples), Maria Patrizia Bologna (University of Milan) and Nicola Grandi (University of Bologna), which compose the governing board.
The Center is housed in Palazzo Falconieri, one of the venues of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine, and accepts every new member who shares the same objectives of the association.
- Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum, 26th Februart 2016,
Presentation of works; - Udine, 25th November 2016,
Convention Il ‘gioco’ delle lingue. Lo spazio comunicativo tra inglese, italiano e lingue locali oggi; - University l’Orientale, Naples, 4th May 2017,
Presentation of works.
In addition to its own independent scientific activity, the Center cooperated in the following events:
- Summer School SIG of Glottology and Linguistics, Lignano – Udine, from 2014, in collaboration with the Società Italiana di Glottologia and with the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Info: Scuola estiva di Glottologia e Linguistica;
- 48th International Congress of Studies of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Udine, 25th–27th September 2014;
- 50th International Congress of Studies of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Milan, 22nd–24th September 2016.