University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

" in reliquis castellis", Studies and Research about Fortifications in the Friulian Foothill Area

“…et in reliquis castellis”, studi e ricerche sull'incastellamento della pedemontana friulana


“…et in reliquis castellis”, Studies and Research about Fortifications in the Friulian Foothill Area

Coordinator: Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi
Members: Prof. Andrea Saccocci


“…et in reliquis castellis”, Studies and Research about Fortifications in the Friulian Foothill Area

Coordinator: Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi
Members: Prof. Andrea Saccocci

“…et in reliquis castellis”, studi e ricerche sull'incastellamento della pedemontana friulana

The research area covers a portion of the territory located to the North-East of Udine, among the valleys of Cornappo (to the North), of Grivò and of the Natisone (to the East), and the course of the torrent Torre (to the West).
The project started in 2006 after the excavation campaigns at the castles of Partistagno (Attimis) and Zucco (Faedis). In addition to these first castles, which are still under investigation, the team has worked also at the castles of La Motta di Savorgnano (Povoletto) and Ahrensperg (Pulfero).

Activities include surface survey campaigns, conducted in particular on the hills, and the inventory of the main settlement forms and of the isolated monuments other than castles (cente, churches, productive structures), and the inventory of the main local stone quarries. Still in preparation is a GIS for data management, analysis and for the reconstruction of the historical landscape, to be realised through the combination of archival research and topographical surveys.

At the moment, the studies on the Ahrensperg castle are concluded and the group has edited a contribution which summarizes them: S. Minguzzi, Il castello di Ahrensperg (Pulfero). Dai Barbari all’Italcementi, in: F. Pagano (ed.), Fortini antichi erano all’intorno di Cividale. Archeologia e castelli del Friuli nord-orientale, Trieste 2015, 152–163.


  • Archaeological excavations at the castels of Ahrensperg, Partistagno, Zucco, Motta di Savorgnano
  • Survey of the valley of Malina, Grivò and Torre
  • Inventory of the main settlement forms and of the isolated monuments other than castles (cente, churches, productive structures)
  • Inventory of the stone quarries