University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

The Late-antique Great Baths in Aquileia: from Excavation to Edition

Le Grandi Terme tardoantiche di Aquileia: dallo scavo all’edizione


The Late-antique Great Baths in Aquileia: from Excavation to Edition

Coordinator: Prof. Marina Rubinich


The Late-antique Great Baths in Aquileia: from Excavation to Edition

Coordinator: Prof. Marina Rubinich

Le Grandi Terme tardoantiche di Aquileia: dallo scavo all’edizione

Starting in 2020, Marina Rubinich will continue to deal with the excavation of the vast thermal public building of Aquileia, with interventions planned and aimed at completing the work in the sectors and rooms already brought to light in the course of the campaigns she conducted as field director (2002–2009; 2011–2012; 2014; 2016–2019). 

The collected data, the revision of past documentation and of the degree and doctoral theses dedicated to various classes of materials, as well as new studies on findings, structures and coatings will be the basis for the edition of excavations conducted so far, the stratigraphies, construction phases and materials (without forgetting, of course, the results of the archeometrical and bio-archaeological analysis).
In order to study the numerous classes of materials – a task which requires specific expertise –, further scholars of the DIUM and other Departments of the University of Udine will be actively involved, in addition to some already existing collaborations with other universities and institutions operating in Aquileia.

Undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students in archaeological disciplines will take part in the excavation activities and, possibly, in the editing phase too.