University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Classical German Philosophy and its Rediscussion between the 19th and 20th century

La filosofia classica tedesca e la sua ridiscussione tra Ottocento e Novecento


Classical German Philosophy and its Rediscussion between the 19th and 20th century

Coordinator: Prof. Simone Furlani


Classical German Philosophy and its Rediscussion between the 19th and 20th century

Coordinator: Prof. Simone Furlani

La filosofia classica tedesca e la sua ridiscussione tra Ottocento e Novecento

The resumption and rediscussion of Idealism and Transcendental Philosophy between the 19th and 20th century bring to light a brand new way of understanding the link between reflection and difference, between an investigation on the conditions of the possibility of knowledge and a reality which seems to be irreducible to reason. A thinker such as Emil Lask, for example, elaborates a system capable of answering to the complexity of our contemporary world rejecting, however, every form of foundation and fundament. In this sense, a perspective arises, which contemporary thinking (starting from Heidegger) is bound to deal with.

Picture: Arturo Espinoza – CC BY 2.0