Literature and the Other Codes: Reception, Rewriting, Transcodification

Italian Studies
Literature and the Other Codes: Reception, Rewriting, Transcodification
Coordinator: Prof. Silvia Contarini
Members: Prof. Rodolfo Zucco; Dr. Roberta Biscozzo; Dr. Sara Cerneaz; Dr. Bianca Del Buono; Dr. Alessandra Giro; Dr. Carlo Londero; Dr. Claudia Murru
Italian Studies
Literature and the Other Codes: Reception, Rewriting, Transcodification
Coordinator: Prof. Silvia Contarini
Members: Prof. Rodolfo Zucco; Dr. Roberta Biscozzo; Dr. Sara Cerneaz; Dr. Bianca Del Buono; Dr. Alessandra Giro; Dr. Carlo Londero; Dr. Claudia Murru

The research area – interdisciplinary by its very nature – aims to analyse the relationship between literature and the other codes, with particular reference to the reception, transcodification and rewriting of scientific ideologies (Canguilhelm) in the literary sphere.
The research group focuses on the following lines of investigation:
- The presence and reuse of medical and psychological paradigms (alternative or complementary to Freud) in 19th and 20th century literature and, in particular, the representation of dreams, diseases and trauma and their forms of verbal (rhetoric and stylistic) and physical expression. The research group operates in synergy with an international network across Italy, France and Germany, and is open to welcome young scholars in view of European funding (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions).
- The presence and reuse of humoristic strategies in political terms in the literature of the second half of the 19th century. The research is connected to the project PRIN 2017 Nievo and the Literary Culture of the Risorgimento: Contexts, Paradigms and Rewritings (1850–1870), whose national coordinator is Prof. Contarini.