University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Porzûs. Violence and Resistance on the Eastern Border

Porzûs. Violence and Resistance on the Eastern Border


Porzûs. Violence and Resistance on the Eastern Border

Coordinator: Dr. Tommaso Piffer


Porzûs. Violence and Resistance on the Eastern Border

Coordinator: Dr. Tommaso Piffer

Porzûs. Violence and Resistance on the Eastern Border

The Porzûs massacre was the worst inner clash within the Italian Resistance, and one of the most discussed events of the History of the Civil War between 1943 and 1945. The research aims to produce the first comprehensive study on that tragic story, by putting it into the international context in which it had origin. Particular attention will be given to the integration of Italian, English, Russian and Slovenian sources, considering the latest acquisitions of the international historiography concerning the history of borders.