Digital Philosophy

First-level Professional Master
Digital Philosophy
- Find out more: Official webpage (Italian only)
- How to apply:
Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Luca Taddio
Duration: annual
Number of participants: from 24 to 40
First-level Professional Master
Digital Philosophy
- Find out more: Official webpage (Italian only)
- How to apply:
Seat: Udine
Coordinator: Prof. Luca Taddio
Duration: annual
Number of participants: from 24 to 40
The so-called "Digital Revolution" is having a deep impact on work in the globalised world. Hybridisation between human cognitive skills and the computational and AI capabilities of machines increasingly sets the pace for the world economy and its dynamics.
This transformation affords many new opportunities, but at the same time leaves numerous questions open, such as the need to redefine and reinterpret the working practices – a re-thinking process that urges the application of the humanistic culture to new scenarios for technological development.
The first-level Professional Master's programme in Digital Philosophy fits perfectly into this context. Based on a philosophical approach, it is aimed at training professional figures who are able to:
- Understand and manage the developments within the digital world
- Identify its main trends
- Anticipate their implications for the business dynamics
- Dialogue and interact with experts in emerging technologies (AI, Big data management, Blockchain, Web and social media, IoT etc.)
The course is aimed at graduates and professionals with a humanistic, psychological or economic background, as well as practictioners in the field of communication.