Prof. Rudolf Behrens

Visiting Professors
Prof. Rudolf Behrens
Professor Emeritus
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germania
Romanische Philologie, Literaturwissenschaft
Personal webpage
Visiting Professors
Prof. Rudolf Behrens
Professor Emeritus
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germania
Romanische Philologie, Literaturwissenschaft
Personal webpage

Rudolf Behrens (Stolberg, 1951), Professor Emeritus at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, is one of the most important German Romanists. Member of various academic institutions and research centres, he directed numerous national and international projects, with particular attention to the relationships between literature and medicine and the rhethoric forms of the scientific discourse. Among his rich list of publications, we can mention the most recent miscellaneous works edited by him: Die Causes célèbres des 19. Jahrhunderts in Frankreich und Deutschland. Narrative Formen und anthropologische Funktionen (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2020); Aufklärung und Imagination in Frankreich (1675-1810). Anthologie und Analyse (Berlin, De Gruyter 2016); Der ärztliche Fallbericht. Epistemische Grundlagen und textuelle Strukturen dargestellter Beobachtung (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2012).
During the second semester (March-June 2022) he will be lecturer of the course Eros e crimine nella letteratura francese e italiana dell'Ottocento: una lettura interdisciplinare («Eros and Crime in French and Italian Literature of the 19th century: An Interdisciplinary Interpretation») for the Master's Degree Course in Italian Studies of the University of Udine.