Alvise Andreose
Der Mensch muß bei dem Glauben verharren, daß das Unbegreifliche begreiflich sey; er würde sonst nicht forschen
L’uomo deve persistere nel credere che l’incomprensibile sia comprensibile; altrimenti non si dedicherebbe alla ricerca
J.W. von Goethe

Alvise Andreose
Filologia e linguistica romanza (FLMR-01/B)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556639
- Email:
- Studio: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-02
- Insegnamenti: Romance Philology; Romance Linguistics; Philology and Criticism of Romance Literatures
Alvise Andreose
Filologia e linguistica romanza (FLMR-01/B)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556639
- Email:
- Studio: Casa Solari, first floor, room L1-02
- Insegnamenti: Romance Philology; Romance Linguistics; Philology and Criticism of Romance Literatures

Der Mensch muß bei dem Glauben verharren, daß das Unbegreifliche begreiflich sey; er würde sonst nicht forschen
L’uomo deve persistere nel credere che l’incomprensibile sia comprensibile; altrimenti non si dedicherebbe alla ricerca
J.W. von Goethe
I graduated from the University of Padua with a MA in Romance Philology in 1997, under the supervision of Prof. Lorenzo Renzi. My dissertation was about the late-medieval Italian translations of the travel account written by friar Odoric of Pordenone after his return from China in 1330. I then received my PhD in Linguistics and Philology from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, where I carried out my research under the supervision of Alfredo Stussi (1998-2001). My PhD project aimed at investigating the vast manuscript transmission of the Lamentatio beate Virginis by Enselmino da Montebelluna. Two fellowships allowed me subsequently to study French Medieval Literature at Paris IV-Sorbonne University (2001-2002), and Romanian Literature and Language at «Babeş-Bolyai» University of Cluj-Napoca (2004).
Before joining Udine University in October 2021, I was a high school teacher (2003-4, 2010-12), a Postdoctoral Researcher at Padua University (2004-2009), a Research Fellow (2013) and an Associate Professor at eCampus University (2014-21). I also taught at the Universities of Verona (2011, 2016) and Bergamo (2017-2021), and at the Catholic University of Milan (2016-2021). I am now an Associate Professor in Romance Philology and Romance Linguistics. Between 2014 and 2021, I was also a professor in the Doctoral Programmes in Arts and Humanities (Verona University) and Medium and Mediality (eCampus University).
In 2017 I was elected as a corresponding fellow of the Accademia Galileiana in Padua. I have been co-investigator in several research projects, in Italy and abroad. I am currently joint general editor of the academic journals Filologia italiana and TranScript, and a member of the scientific advisory boards of Medioevi, Francigena, Lingua e testi di oggi.
I have presented over 50 papers in Academic conferences in Italy and abroad. I was a visiting scholar at the Universities of Peking (PKU) in 2015, and Tübingen in 2021. I have given several invited lectures and seminars at Italian universities, as well as at universities in Poland, Romania, Czechia, Serbia, and China.
My research centres on the Italian and French literature of the Middle Ages, on Romance linguistics, on Romanian literature and language, on textual transmission in the Middle Ages and the early-modern period. I am author or coauthor of more than 100 publications, mainly focused on:
- medieval travel literature (Marco Polo, Odoric of Pordenone);
- Old Italian lyric;
- Old Occitan lyric;
- religious and allegorical literature in medieval Romance literature;
- phonology, morphology and syntax of medieval Romance languages;
- history of Italian grammar;
- teaching of Italian language and medieval literature in secondary school.
Marco Polo, Il «Milione» veneto, ms. CM 211 della Biblioteca Civica di Padova
Venezia 1999 (a cura di A. Barbieri e A. Andreose)
Libro delle nuove e strane e meravigliose cose. Volgarizzamento italiano del secolo XIV dell'Itinerarium di Odorico da Pordenone
Padova 2000 (a cura di A. Andreose)
Manuale di linguistica e filologia romanza
Bologna, 2015 (Nuova edizione; I ed. 2003, II ed. 2006, III ed. 2009) (con L. Renzi)
Enselmino da Montebelluna, Lamentatio beate Virginis Marie (Pianto della Vergine),
Roma-Padova 2010 (a cura di A. Andreose)
Le Voyage en Asie d’Odoric de Pordenone, traduit par Jean le Long OSB
edizione critica a cura di A. Andreose e Ph. Ménard, Genève 2010
Romeno-balcanica. Incontri di lingue, culture, tradizioni nello spazio balcanico e carpato-danubiano
Milano 2018 (a cura di A. Andreose et al.)
La strada per il Catai. Contatti tra Oriente e Occidente al tempo di Marco Polo
Milano 2019 (a cura di A. Andreose)