Laura Casella

Laura Casella
Storia moderna (HIST-02/A)
- Professoressa associata
- Tel: 0432 556166
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, L2-04
- Insegnamenti: Methodology of Historical Research; Early Modern History; History of Friuli
Laura Casella
Storia moderna (HIST-02/A)
- Professoressa associata
- Tel: 0432 556166
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, L2-04
- Insegnamenti: Methodology of Historical Research; Early Modern History; History of Friuli

I graduated in 1983 with a thesis in History of Social and Political Institutions at the Faculty of Sociology of Trento (supervisor Cesare Mozzarelli) and in 1985 I obtained a Diploma at the Biennial School of Archival, Paleography and Diplomacy of the State Archive of Trieste. A training focused on social sciences and on the theoretical approach where I immediately felt the need to combine a solid methodological preparation and a constant recourse to documentary sources.
In 1987, as a researcher in the history of Italian law, I started working at the University of Udine where since 2005 I have been an Associate Professor of Modern History.
I teach Early Modern and Gender History, History of Friuli and Methodology of Historical Research, I am a member of the interuniversity PhD college (University of Udine and Trieste) in History of Societies, Institutions and Thinking. From Medieval to Contemporary History. In recent years I have held lectures and seminars at some French universities (Paris Ouest-Nanterre, Paris Sorbonne-Center Roland Mousnier, Rouen, Caen and Grenoble-Université Pierre Mendès France). In 2011 I was an invited professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales (offices in Marseille and Paris).
My research interests involve various aspects of the political and social history of the modern age. I became interested in the political and cultural role of the elites in the Republic of Venice, in the border history, in the forms of territorial representation: I studied the Friulian Parliament in the modern age and recently edited an edition of the minutes of the meetings of this assembly (XV–XIX century).
Family history and gender history have in recent years been my privileged fields of research, but also the reflection around categories that accompany them, such as the generation, for example. I am interested in family and personal writings, in a gender perspective, and I am preparing a research on women's everyday writings (XVI–XIX century).
I worked preferably on Friulian sources, but in a broad and comparative perspective and often included in national and international research groups that I helped develop: in 2008–2011 I co-directed the research program of the École française de Rome on Modèles familiaux et cultures politiques à l'epoque moderne, and are currently part of the research team of the University of Sr. Orsola Benincasa Hospitalité et charité: les formes de l'assistance et d'intégration des migrants en Europe (XIVe-XVIIIe siècle) in the international project funded by the Ecole française de Rome 2017–2021 Administrer l'étranger. Mobilités, diplomaties et hospitalité, Italie - Europe (XIVe-mi XIXe siècle).
I beni della nobiltà nel Friuli moderno: un quadro d’insieme e alcuni casi di rivendicazioni maschili e femminili a cavallo del confine
Geschichte und Region/Storia e Regione 27/2 (2019) 70–101
Il Parlamento friulano in età moderna. Verbali delle sedute (1471–1805)
a cura di L. Casella, 2 voll. V. I: Saggi e indici, v. II: Schedatura, Udine 2018
Mémoire de la révolte et mémoires de famille. La crudel zobia grassa (1511) dans les livres de famille du XVIe siècle : brève histoire des manuscrits et des éditions
in: A. Merle, S. Jettot, M. Herrero Sánchez (curr.), La Mémoire des révoltes en Europe à l’époque moderne, Paris 2018, 143–169
Il cibo e la casa. Amministrazione domestica e consumi nelle scritture quotidiane di Silvia Rabatta Colloredo (XVIII sec)
Genesis 16/1 (2017) 43–65 (con A. De Martin Pinter)
Construire les liens de famille dans l'Europe moderne
a cura di L. Casella, D. Raines, Rouen 2013
Generazioni familiari, generazioni politiche (secc. XVIII-XX)
Cheiron 49 (2008)
Archivi nobiliari e domestici. Conservazione, metodologie di riordino e prospettive di ricerca storica
a cura di L. Casella, R. Navarrini, Udine 2000
Le due nobiltà. Cultura nobiliare e società friulana nei "Dialoghi" di Romanello Manin (1726)
a cura di L. Casella, Roma 1999