Massimo Capulli
Fragmentum quod vile putas et inutile lignum, haec fuit ignoti prima carina maris.
Il frammento che tu credi vile e inutile legno, appartenne alla chiglia che per prima affrontò il mare ignoto.

Massimo Capulli
Metodologie della ricerca archeologica (ARCH-01/G)
- Ricercatore
- Tel: 0432 556625
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-12
- Insegnamenti: Methods for Archaeological Research; Underwater and Nautical Archaeology
Massimo Capulli
Metodologie della ricerca archeologica (ARCH-01/G)
- Ricercatore
- Tel: 0432 556625
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-12
- Insegnamenti: Methods for Archaeological Research; Underwater and Nautical Archaeology

Fragmentum quod vile putas et inutile lignum, haec fuit ignoti prima carina maris.
Il frammento che tu credi vile e inutile legno, appartenne alla chiglia che per prima affrontò il mare ignoto.
After the Master's degree (EQF 7) at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice with a thesis on Nautical Archeology, having already a solid technical background, I immediately started as an underwater archaeologist free-lance, attending the the School in Archeology of the Università Cattolica of Milan, where I received the professional doctorate (EQF 8) in Late Antiquity and Medieval Archeology.
I continued my independent activity by directing dozens of underwater archaeological campaigns, as well as offering advice on the recovery of submerged deposits and the preparation of exhibitions and museums intended to enhance the historical, archaeological and nautical heritage.
Lecturer at the University of Udine since 2009, first as adjunct professor and then as a assistant professor, I teach Methods for Archaeological Research for the Bachelor degree in Cultural Heritage and Underwater and Nautical Archaeology for the master's degree in Classics: Archaeology, History, Literatures, and I am a member of the college of doctorate in Ancient Heritage Studies. Since 2012 I have been Research Associate of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (USA) and I actively collaborate with Texas A&M University, where I spent several periods of research as a visiting.
At DIUM I set up the Laboratory of Water Archaeology (LADA) to support field research and teaching, and the Underwater Archaeology Squad (UAS), which is the operational arm where students can carry out internships participating in underwater excavation campaigns. The active projects are:
- ANAXUM Project – Archaeology and history of a river landscape;
- KAUKANA Project – Study of the underwater archaeological landscape of the ancient coastal cities of Kaukana and Kamarina;
- BENĀCUS Project – Research and mapping of the underwater cultural heritage of Lake Garda.
I have published articles and essays on different archaeological sites and three monographs.
Il patrimonio culturale sommerso: ricerche e proposte per il futuro dell’archeologia subacquea in Italia
Udine 2018 (a cura di M. Capulli)
Le navi della Serenissima. La “galea” di Lazise
Venezia 2003
L’Ordine teutonico e le vie d’acqua nel Friuli medievale
Udine 2019 (con E. Scarton)