Pietro Ioly Zorattini
Il mito è il fondamento della vita, lo schema senza tempo, la formula secondo cui la vita si esprime quando fugge al di fuori dell’inconscio.
Th. Mann

Pietro Ioly Zorattini
Storia delle religioni (HIST-04/A)
- Ricercatore
- Tel: 0432 556537
- Email: pietro.ioly@uniud.it
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-22
- Insegnamenti: History of Religions
Pietro Ioly Zorattini
Storia delle religioni (HIST-04/A)
- Ricercatore
- Tel: 0432 556537
- Email: pietro.ioly@uniud.it
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-22
- Insegnamenti: History of Religions

Il mito è il fondamento della vita, lo schema senza tempo, la formula secondo cui la vita si esprime quando fugge al di fuori dell’inconscio.
Th. Mann
I graduated from the University of Verona in Contemporary History with a thesis on the history of the Jewish community of Udine in the contemporary age and continued my studies at the University of Udine, earning a PhD in “History: Cultures and structures of the areas of frontier ”, with a dissertation concerning the history of the House of the Catechumens of Venice starting from the foundation in 1557 and up to 1797, when the treaty of Campoformido marked the fall of the Serenissima and its cession to the Habsburg Empire.
I have been working at the University of Udine since 2005, I teach History of Religions at the three-year degree course in Cultural Heritage.
My interests focus on the history of Italian Judaism between the modern and contemporary ages, in particular on the history of conversions to Catholicism in the Veneto area. I participated as a speaker at some international conferences on the history of religions and the history of Judaism, which I recall the 9th EASR Conference, "Religion in the history of European culture", held in Messina in 2009, the International Conference "The Jews in the history of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. A long-lasting event ", held in Ferrara in 2015, which I edited the Proceedings together with Professor Miriam Davide, and finally the International Conference" Jewish reactions to exclusion and stereotypes: from late antiquity to the contemporary period”, organized by the University of Pisa in collaboration with the Italian-French group of Jewish studies, of which I am a member since March 2019.
From 2005 to 2013 I held the course in the History of Religions at the Faculty of Primary Education of the University of Udine, with in-depth information on religious minorities present in Italy starting from the modern age, in particular the Jewish one; from 2014 to 2018 I taught History of Intercultural Dialogue and History of Myths and Religions at the Performing Arts three-year degree course at the University of Udine, in Gorizia, using a reference filmography both for the general part that for the monographic aspects of the course.
I am a member of the Italian Society of History of Religions (SISR), of the Italian Association for the Study of Judaism (AISG), of the University Commitee for History of Religions (CUSR) and of the editorial committee of the journal "Studies and Materials of the History of Religions ".
La Pia Casa dei catecumeni di Venezia durante la seconda metà del Settecento
RSLR 2 (2014) 315–378
Conversioni di ebrei in Friuli Venezia Giulia nell’Ottocento: i casi di Gorizia e di Udine
in: M. Davide e P. Ioly Zorattini (curr.), Gli Ebrei nella storia del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Una vicenda di lunga durata, Firenze 2016, 153–163