Università degli Studi di Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Francesco Fratta de Tomas

Dubium sapientiæ initium
Il dubbio è l’inizio della conoscenza


Francesco Fratta de Tomas

Francesco Fratta de Tomas

Storia dell’arte medievale (L-ART/01)

Francesco Fratta de Tomas

Storia dell’arte medievale (L-ART/01)

Francesco Fratta de Tomas

Dubium sapientiæ initium
Il dubbio è l’inizio della conoscenza


I completed my whole education at this University. After I graduated in Art History and Heritage Preservation with a thesis focused on the painted wooden ceilings of Palazzo Vanni degli Onesti in Udine (supervisor: Prof. Maurizio D’Arcano Grattoni), I continued my research on the subject of ceiling realised in Friuli between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance for my Ph.D. (supervisors: Prof. Maurizio D’Arcano Grattoni and Prof. Giuseppina Perusini). Then, as Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (DIUM) of the University of Udine, I worked on the topic of carved furniture in relief in Northern Italy during the 15th and 16th century.

I combined my research with teaching activities, mainly at DIUM, through seminars (for the programme Cultural Heritage and the Postgraduate School of Artistic and Historical Heritage) and, in 2017/2018, through the course History of artisan production and material culture during the Middle Ages.

I took part to conventions and conferences dedicated to residential architecture and applied arts from Gothic to Renaissance; on the same themes I also published essays and a monograph, Soffitti lignei in Friuli fra Medioevo e Rinascimento.

I collaborated in the preparation of exhibitions, among which I would like to mention Tabulae Pictae. Pettenelle e cantinelle a Cividale del Friuli fra Medioevo e Rinascimento, in 2013. In 2019 I was involved in the organization of the international convention Cieli dipinti. Soffitti lignei nell’Europa meridionale fra Medioevo e Rinascimento, as well as of the exhibitions “Sia la chasa specchio del spirito”: abitare in Friuli nel Quattrocento and Soffitti lignei dell'arco mediterraneo fra Medioevo e Rinascimento: un patrimonio europeo comune

Currently (2019), as Research Fellow of DIUM, I deal with the cataloguing of wooden painted ceilings in the friulian area and with the realisation of the relating files for the Regional Informative System of the Cultural Heritage (SIRPaC) and for the Carte des charpentes et plafonds peints médiévaux – in collaboration with the Regional Agency for Cultural Heritage in Friuli Venezia Giulia (ERPaC) and the Association international de recherche our les charpentes et plafonds peints médiévaux (RCPPM).


Soffitti lignei in Friuli fra Medioevo e Rinascimento

Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2019

La rappresentazione delle armi nelle pettenelle tra XV e XVI secolo

in: M. d’Arcano Grattoni (cur.), Tabulæ Pictæ. Pettenelle e cantinelle a Cividale fra Medioevo e Rinascimento, Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2013, 175–181

«In un vago giardino» : Antonio Baietto et la peinture de closoirs en Frioul dans la première moitié du XVe siècle

in: M. Bourin, M. Pérez-Simon, G. Puchal (curr.), De l’Aragon au Frioul : esquisse d’une géographie des plafonds peints médiévaux, atti dell’VIII convegno internazionale dell’associazione RCPPM (Lagrasse [Aude, Fr], 9-11 ottobre 2015), Paris 2021

Les techniques photographiques utilisées pour l’étude des closoirs. Exemples frioulans

in: M. Bourin, R. May (curr.), Plafonds peints médiévaux en Europe. Connaissance, conservation et restauration: méthodes et approaches scientifiques, atti del convegno (Marseille-Fréjus, 29 settembre–1 ottore 2016), Paris 2019, 156–173

Di prati in fiore, balene «et altre maraviglie»: un inedito soffitto dipinto cividalese della prima metà del Quattrocento

in: V. Camelliti, A. Trivellone (curr.), in Un Medioevo in lungo e in largo. Da Bisanzio all'Occidente (VI-XVI secolo). Studi per Valentino Pace, Pisa 2014, 245–254.