Caterina Bucella
Credo in tutto quello che faccio e nel suo valore prezioso.

Caterina Bucella
Responsabile del Servizio di Supporto alla didattica
- Personale amministrativo
- Tel: 0432 556781
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.4
Caterina Bucella
Responsabile del Servizio di Supporto alla didattica
- Personale amministrativo
- Tel: 0432 556781
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, first floor, room 1.4

Credo in tutto quello che faccio e nel suo valore prezioso.
I am a technician of the Business Management, with specialization in Computer Science and a good knowledge of English and German.
I started my professional career by working with a professor of Art History. He taught me the values of beauty, precision and perseverance in pursuing my goals.
Between 1987 and 2012 I was employed at the Presidency Office of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy; there I was in charge for the educational management of the degree course in Cultural Heritage – at that time, the only one in Italy. I also contributed to the parallel works of the Professorship Office of History of Modern Art 1, which were related to the journal Arte|Documento, dedicated to the history and preservation of cultural heritage. This gave me thus the opportunity to take part in the realisation of an academic book.
In 2012 I became Head of the Education Service for the so-called Polo Umanistico, after the merging of the departments of History and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Human Sciences and Humanistic Studies. This interlacement of four humanistic sectors and the people I had the oppotunity to meet in that context have enriched my formation even more.
From 2016 I am Head of the Education Service for the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, where I work both as Accounting Officer and as coordinator of the didactic activities of the Postgraduate School of Artistic and Historical Heritage and of the departmental seats in Udine and Gorizia. My team consists of four people, in addition to another one employed in the branch office in Gorizia; year after year, we try to do our best to be ever more efficient and offer ever more accessible services related to learning programming, deliberations, educational offer and, last but not least, student assistance.
I regularly follow training courses on University Legislation and Administrative Law, and I also care a lot about keeping updated with my duties.
Thanks to my strong sense of responsibility and the cooperation with my fellow colleagues, I always try to find the best solution.
Every person who comes in our office will be welcomed with a nice smile... and I mean it as no threat.