University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Post-Graduate School in Archaeological Heritage (interuniversity)

Beni archeologici

Postgraduate course

Post-Graduate School in Archaeological Heritage (interuniversity)

  • Interuniversity course with: University of Trieste, University Ca' Foscari of Venice

Seats: Udine (administrative seat), Aquileia, Trieste, Udine and Venice (didactic activities)
Director: Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi
Degree Programme/Call for admission a.a. 2022/2023

Postgraduate course

Post-Graduate School in Archaeological Heritage (interuniversity)

  • Interuniversity course with: University of Trieste, University Ca' Foscari of Venice

Seats: Udine (administrative seat), Aquileia, Trieste, Udine and Venice (didactic activities)
Director: Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi
Degree Programme/Call for admission a.a. 2022/2023

The interuniversity School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage is set up by the cooperation among the University of Udine, the University of Trieste and the University Ca' Foscari of Venice. It aims at training specialists in the field of the understanding, preservation, management, conservation and valorisation of archaeological sites and findings.

Its educational path covers different areas, connected to different study domains, and is organized in four vocational curricula, one for each specific archaeological disciplinary sector:

  • Prehistoric and protohistoric Archaeology
  • Classic Archaeology
  • Late-antique and Medieval Archaeology
  • Eastern Archaeology

Teaching activities combines lectures, seminars, conferences and exercises concerning various specialistic aspects – from the most exquisite archaeological, scientific and artistic expertise to those competences connected to promotion and communication, without forgetting the importance of the basics in management and legislation. Internships, educational trips and traineeships (either by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities or in the framework of excavations/surveys) are also an integral part of the educational offer.

Graduates students can work in high responsibility positions in different areas, like for example:

  • within the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBACT);
  • within public bodies dealing with the preservation, conservation, restorations, management, promotion and cataloguing of the historical-artistic heritage, both in Italy and abroad or in the context of international organizations;
  • within private bodies like companies, professional offices active in the sector of the historical-artistic heritage;
  • by offering high qualified services relating to the historical analysis, the critical knowledge, the cataloguing and the diagnostic of the historical-artistic heritage.