Susi Corazza

Susi Corazza
Laboratorio di preistoria e protostoria
- Personale tecnico
- Technical Manager
- Tel: 0432 556193
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-03
Susi Corazza
Laboratorio di preistoria e protostoria
- Personale tecnico
- Technical Manager
- Tel: 0432 556193
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, ground floor, room LT-03

I graduate in 1992 in Classics at the University of Trieste, with a thesis in History of Pre-classic Civilizations entitled The problematic of some pit structures in Pozzuolo del Friuli (Udine). I myself had been involved in the exploration of those structures, due to a specific request of the Superintendency, so the choice of the subject was, in a sense, obvious for me. Already in those first years of research focused on Protohistory, under the guidance of Prof. Paola Càssola Guida (University of Trieste) and Serena Vitri (Superintendency), I got the feeling I was contributing to the discovery of a history that was still to be written.
Since 1985 I collaborated with the Superintendency for Environmental, Architectural, Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Heritage (later Superintendency for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape) of Friuli Venezia Giulia, by participating to excavations and getting assignments for cataloguing, studying, organizing and setting up exhibitions and for the publication of findings and archaeological materials. From 1992 I also conducted as responsible coordinator numerous archaeological excavations organized by the Superintendencies of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto, and I took part in further study and research activities promoted by them and by the Universities of Trieste and Padova.
Since 1997 I had been constantly involved in excavations in protohistorical sites in Friuli, organized by the Chair of Prehistory and Protohistory of the University of Udine. I also dealt with educational and research activities connected to the Archaeological Laboratory of the University; that very year (and during the following three) I got teaching contracts, so that I could teach Methodologies of the Archaeological Research for the Degree Course in Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine.
Since 2005 I am the Technical Manager of the Prehistory and Protohistory Laboratory: my task is to assist in research and education, in particular with regard to student internships.
I am committed to study and research in the field of Italian Protohistory, especially to the issues concerning the cultural development in Friuli from the Eneolithic to the Bronze and Iron Age. I published numerous contributions – alone and in collaborations with other scholars – and I edited some volumes, among which, in 2018, the Acts of the convention Preistoria e Protostoria del Caput Adriae. The activities of writing and editing popular and didactic texts about excavations and studies on the protohistorical sites investigated by the University of Udine are particularly dear to me.
Currently I am coordinator of the project directed by Prof. Elisabetta Borgna, Buried and Sunken Landscapes. Aquileia and its Territory from the Eneolithic to the Iron Age. I am also member of the Technical-Scientific Board established in the context of the collaboration named Protohistory in Friuli, an agreement signed by 13 municipalities, the Superintendency and the University of Udine which aims at researching, disseminating the knowledge and promoting the monumental heritage of tumuli and castellieri of the friulian highlands.
Dall’alta pianura friulana alla costa: le ricerche in ambito protostorico dell’Ateneo udinese 1997–2018
Quaderni friulani di archeologia 29/1 (2019) 49–65 (con E. Borgna)
I sistemi difensivi dei castellieri del Friuli: cronologia e modalità costruttive
in: E. Borgna, P. Càssola Guida, S. Corazza (curr.), Preistoria e Protostoria del Caput Adriae, Firenze 2018, 209–222
L’eredità antica, in Monfalcone nel Medioevo
in: M. Davide, G. Pin (curr.), Atti del Convegno di studio (Monfalcone, 11 novembre 2014), Trieste, 9–33
L'area alpina friulana nell'età del ferro: lo stato delle conoscenze
in: R. Roncador, F. Nicolis (curr.), Antichi popoli delle Alpi. Sviluppi culturali durante l’età del ferro nei territori alpini centro-orientali, Atti della Giornata di Studi Internazionale, Trento 2014, 229–244 (con S. Vitri, G. Righi)
Scavi e rinvenimenti a Novacco presso Aiello del Friuli (Udine)
in: Presenze umane a Castions delle Mura. Atti dell’Incontro di Studio (febbraio 2011) Centro Civico di Castions delle Mura (Comune di Bagnaria Arsa - UD), Udine 2012, 36–49.
Lo scavo: procedimenti, materiali, descrizione degli interventi, risultati
in: P. Càssola Guida, M. Calosi (curr.), Una sepoltura monumentale dell’antica età del bronzo: il tumulo di Sant’Osvaldo (Udine) – scavi 2000–2002, Roma 2011, 33–47
Le identità regionali. L’età del ferro
in: G. Simeoni, S. Corazza (curr.), Di terra e di ghiaia. La Protostoria del Medio Friuli tra Europa e Adriatico, Mereto di Tomba (Udine) 2011, 95–111
Lo scavo della necropoli di Misincinis
in: S. Vitri, F. Oriolo (curr.), I Celti in Carnia e nell’arco alpino centro-orientale, Atti della giornata di studio (Tolmezzo, 30 aprile 1999), Trieste 2011, 85–97
Nuovi dati sul Bronzo Finale iniziale dalla pedemontana pordenonese
in: Protostoria del Venetorum Angolus, Atti del XX Convegno di Studi Etruschi ed Italici (Portogruaro-Altino-Este-Adria 1996), Pisa-Roma 1999, 117–130
Tracce archeologiche di antiche genti. La protostoria in Friuli
Montereale Valcellina (Pordenone) 2006 (con G. Simeoni, F., Zendron e con contributo di P. Càssola Guida)