Ancient and Medieval Numismatic

Ancient and Medieval Numismatic
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Saccocci
Members: Dr. Massimo Capulli, Prof. Bruno Figliuolo, Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi, Prof. Elisabetta Scarton
Ancient and Medieval Numismatic
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Saccocci
Members: Dr. Massimo Capulli, Prof. Bruno Figliuolo, Prof. Simonetta Minguzzi, Prof. Elisabetta Scarton

The research groups focuses on the classification, study and historical interpretation of all archaeological materials which require techniques and methodologies pertaining to Numismatic, such as coins, medallions, tokens, badges etc.
The group activity is carried out according to the following research areas:
- Archaeological findings in the North-east of Italy: the study of deposits and coins uncovered in the course of organized excavations, for example the fourteenth-century hoard found in Serravalle (province of Treviso), or the coins recovered in the river Stella (1st–2nd cent. AD);
- Monetary areas and accounting systems in Italy during the Middle Ages: the numismatic study of the accounting sources pertaining coins (analysis of a 13th-century Account book from Pisa and preparation of an onlin handbook dedicated to monetary exchanges within the Patriarchate of Aquileia between 14th and 15th century);
- Collaboration to the project Medieval European Coinage of the University of Cambridge: autopsy of the numismatic materials belonging to the medieval mintings in Ferrara, Modena and Reggio and currently housed in the most important Italian museums;
- Numismatic Collecting: analysis of the 18th-century collection of Apostolo Zeno, now preserved in Münster (Germany).
- Findings of ancient and medieval coins in the course of archaeological excavation in the North-east of Italy
- Analysis of monetary areas in Italy from the 9th to the 15th century, mostly with regard to the relation between theoretical units of account in the contracts and actual circulation
- Study and development of theoretical models in order to verify the potential impact of monetary laws in the composition of numismatic findings (7th–15th century)
- Organization and chronology of medieval monetary issuing in Italy (as part of the project Medieval European Coinage of the University of Cambridge)
- Numismatic Collecting