Media Archaeology

Media Archaeology
Coordinator: Prof. Simone Venturini
Members: Dr. Andrea Mariani, Prof. Leonardo Quaresima
Media Archaeology
Coordinator: Prof. Simone Venturini
Members: Dr. Andrea Mariani, Prof. Leonardo Quaresima

The research group focuses on the archaeological study of past and contemporary media, with a view to the convergence between historical analysis and theoretical reflection through the application of methodologies used in different subject areas: philosophy, anthropology and sociology of technique; archive theory, study of archiviation; technological, cultural and socio-economic history of the media. In particular, thanks to an interchange with other areas such as Film and Media Heritage and (Im)mediated Realities, it inherits years of reflection about archives and cinema historiography which has developed both within and outside the opportunities for dialogues and exchange offered by the activities of the Udine International Film Studies Conference (especially those relating to the film and its multiples, and to the history of cinema without names), of the International Film Studies Spring School (MAGIS) and of the laboratory for restoration of films and videos, La Camera ottica.
- Material Archival Studies Network: a theoretical and methodological and historiographical study on archival activities, with particular attention to marginal objects, material forms and non canonical practices
- History of cinema witouth names: it aims at explaining the most significant interrelations between moving pictures, mediated mobility, media environment, scientific, technical and artistical perspectives between modernity and post-modernity, by focusing on the Universal Expositions
- Framing the marginal cinematographical practices in the context of the development of modernity and definition of the terms of the Modernity experience between modernisation and modernism, by investigating the marginal and eccentric practices compared to the cultural institution.