Professional opportunities

My name is Donatella Tamagno. I graduated at the University of Udine, first with a Bachelor's Degree in Humanities, then with a Master's in Classics, and eventually with a Ph.D. in Ancient Heritage Studies. At present I work as Editor for Edizioni della Normale, in Pisa.
The Interview
What led you to choose Humanistic Studies?
I have followed my passion for storytelling and the curiosity that I have always felt for the past, for everything with a history.
Have you ever been abroad during your university education?
I have had the opportunity to stay in Heidelberg, Germany, twice: the first time I have spent there six months thanks to an Erasmus+ grant, in order to complete my Master's thesis; the second one, during my Ph.D. It has been a great growth experience, both professionally and personally: I have expanded my horizon, met people with a different point of view and honed my critical spirit.
What role does your humanistic education play in your current occupation?
It was my education that introduced me to the world of Publishing: an internship for my Master's gave me the opportunity to discover my passion for this professional sector. Of course the knowledge acquired during my studies has revealed to be a necessary prerequisite in order to work in a publishing company. Obtaining a stable employment in such a contracting branch was not at all easy: I succeeded because of the perseverance and the resiliency I have developed during my university years. Eventually I turned to academic publishing - private companies in this field do not offer enough adequate guarantees - and, after some years of apprenticeship (which allowed me to have a clearer view of the whole picture), I have finally reached my goal.
Do you think that humanistic studies could pave the way for various careers?
Humanistic studies raise the question of the causes and the underlying foundations of various phenomena, and therefore help develop effective problem-solving skills. Not only this, they enhance also analytical skills: all these qualities are very appreciated in many professional fields. It would be useless to deny how difficult it can be to "find your own way" with a humanistic degree: nonetheless, it is also indisputable that being analytical and ready to solve problems are two of the competences which can lead to success in every working environment.
What would you recommend to young people struggling with the choice of the right study programme?
I strongly recommend to indulge your passion and curiosity. You cannot build a fulfilling future if you are not true to yourself. However, you need to remember that it may cost you, mostly in terms of adaptability, of reinventing yourself. You have to be ready to face the challenge, regardless of the duties to which you will be assigned.