
Interuniversity Master (University of Trieste)
- Interuniversity course with: University of Trieste
- Find out more: Philosophy – official webpage
- How to apply:
Seat: Trieste
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Tabarroni
Video presentation (Italian only)
Interuniversity Master (University of Trieste)
- Interuniversity course with: University of Trieste
- Find out more: Philosophy – official webpage
- How to apply:
Seat: Trieste
Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Tabarroni
Video presentation (Italian only)
The Master course in Philosophy aims at providing a specialized philosophical preparation – a precondition for developing analytical skills, as well as critical awareness, which are becoming more and more essential in the workplace and, in general, in today's society. The programme explores a wide range of subjects – theoretical philosophy, epistemology, moral philosophy, philosophy of language, of law, of education, aesthetics, history of philosophy and of political thought – and integrates the offer with History courses (ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary). The organization in thematic blocks lets the students free to plan their individual course of study according to their own personal interests, and ensures at the same time an interdisciplinary approach.
Due to the variety of subjects and combinations, the final objectives of the programme can be multi-faceted. Nonetheless, they follow two main directions: on the one side, learning and consolidating the knowledge of concepts, theories, origin and development of philosophical ideas and contemporary criticism; on the other side, encouraging the creation of an independent thinking, built on past experiences but heading for new interpretations.
Graduate students will be able to enter the educational sphere, as teachers, researchers or academics. However, they can find employment also in other fields, in the role of advisors, administrative officials, experts in human resources management, and professionals within publishing and journalism.