University of Udine

DIpartimento di Studi UManistici
e del patrimonio culturale

DIUM - Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023-2027 MUR MENU

Universidad de Zaragoza

Universidad de Zaragoza


Universidad de Zaragoza

  • Coordinator: Prof. Donata Levi
  • Code: E ZARAGOZ01
  • Country: Spagna
  • Lnaguages:
  • Subject Area:
    Archaeology Art History


Universidad de Zaragoza

  • Coordinator: Prof. Donata Levi
  • Code: E ZARAGOZ01
  • Country: Spagna
  • Lnaguages:
  • Subject Area:
    Archaeology Art History
Universidad de Zaragoza

What are the strenghts of the partner University?

  • Great variety of courses which could be interesting for students of History of Art and Archaeology. Among those there is a wide selection of themes concerning Spain, South America, Asia, Africa and the Islamic world, from Ancient to Modern times. Courses on art market and decorative arts are also offered.
  • Besides an important and rich library, the University owns artistic and scientific collections hosted inside the Paraninfo, an emblematic building which is also the seat of the Rectorate, where a rich program of cultural events takes place regularly.
  • The Department of History of Art organises numerous conventions and study days, to which students are invited as an integral part of their education.

What are the advantages of staying in Zaragoza?

  • Capital of the region of Aragon, the city combines the benefits and services of a big city and the comforts of a compact city centre, which aggregates the main attractions within easy walking distance.
  • Lively cultural offering, sport facilities, active student life, possibility to visit other big cities such as Madrid and Barcelona in less than two hours by train.
  • Museums, palaces and churches with relevant art collections and local traditions. It is still possible to visit the remains of the ancient Cesaraugusta.
  • Low cost of living.

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