Andrea Gardi
Quattro gambe, buono; due gambe, cattivo.
G. Orwell

Andrea Gardi
Storia moderna (HIST-02/A)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556666
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-19
- Insegnamenti: Modern History; Sources and Methods for the Study of History; Early Modern History; Modern History Lab; Social History of Modern Age
Andrea Gardi
Storia moderna (HIST-02/A)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556666
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Caiselli, second floor, room L2-19
- Insegnamenti: Modern History; Sources and Methods for the Study of History; Early Modern History; Modern History Lab; Social History of Modern Age

Quattro gambe, buono; due gambe, cattivo.
G. Orwell
- classical high school 1978
- Degree in Humanities and license in Humanities from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa 1983
- specialization course in Humanities at the Scuola Normale Superiore 1983 / 84–1984 / 85
- PhD in History (History of European society) 1989
- Diploma from the School of Archives, Palaeography and Diplomacy of the Bologna State Archive 1993
- student of the School of History of the Italian Historical Institute for the Modern and Contemporary Age 1996–1997.
Work experiences
- Teacher of Literary Subjects at public high schools 1985–1991
- Archivist of the State Historical Scientific Researcher 1991–1997
- Researcher in Modern History at the Faculty of Languages of Udine 1997–2005
- Associate Professor of Modern History at the Faculty of Languages of Udine 2005–2010, at the Department of Human Sciences of Udine 2011–2015.
Current position
- Associate Professor of Modern History at the Department of Humanities in Udine since 2016; National Academic Qualification as a Full Professor of Modern History from 2017.
- Researcher, at the Faculties of Languages and literature of Udine and Ferrara, teaching, modules, assignments and substitutes of History of Eastern Europe and Modern History; the SSIS of Udine, a laboratory of Introduction to history.
- Associate professor, Modern History courses in CDL in Cultural Mediation, Languages, Public Relations, Form Theory (interfaculty), Humanities, Cultural Tourism, Cultural Heritage; course of Modern History Laboratory at the course of Humanities; course of History of the European Society for the Master's degree in Languages for international communication; History of the Ancient Italian States for the Master's degree in Interuniversity in Historical Studies. From Ancient to Contemporary Age.
- Member of the Doctoral colleges in History: cultures and structures of the border areas (2001–2013) and in History of Societies, Institutions and Thinking. From Medieval to Contemporary History (interuniversity, University of Udine and Trieste) since 2013.
- main research fields, for the period between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries: structure of the society of the old regime; administrative organization of states of ancient regime; prosopography, careers, ideology of princely officers; economy and finance in the old regime; ecclesiastical institutions and religious conscience; social role and organization of education and culture; knowledge and intercultural exchanges in the modern age; historical cartography and chronology; sources for the study of modern history; methodology of the historical investigation.
- member of the History of Homeland Deputation for the provinces of Romagna since 2003
- member of the scientific committee of the series “Fonti per la Storia della Chiesa in Friuli. Serie moderna e contemporanea" published by the Pio Paschini Institute for the History of the Church in Friuli since 2014 and corresponding member of the same Institute since 2016
- member of the scientific committee of the "Documenta" magazine from 2017.
Pietro Antonio Di Capua (1513–1578). Primi elementi per una biografia
Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa 24 (1988) 262–310
La Moldavia nella Descrittione delle Misie, Dacie e Illirico di Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1698)
in: C. Luca, G. Masi (curr.), La storia di un ri–conoscimento: i rapporti tra l’Europa Centro–Orientale e la Penisola italiana dal Rinascimento all’Età dei Lumi, Udine-Braila 2012, 329–351
Making of an Oligarchy: The Ruling Classes of Bologna
in: S.R. Blanshei (cur.), A Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Bologna, Leiden-Boston 2018, 310–334
I legati nell’Italia del XV secolo: elementi per una classificazione tipologica
Studi storici 59 (2018) 171–201