Marco Fucecchi
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Marco Fucecchi
Lingua e letteratura latina (LATI-01/A)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556517
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- Studio: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-10
- Insegnamenti: Latin Language and Literature; Latin Literature 2; Forms and Authors of Latin Prose
Marco Fucecchi
Lingua e letteratura latina (LATI-01/A)
- Professore associato
- Tel: 0432 556517
- Email:
- Studio: Palazzo Falconieri, first floor, room L1-10
- Insegnamenti: Latin Language and Literature; Latin Literature 2; Forms and Authors of Latin Prose

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I have studied at the University of Florence, where I took my degree (Laurea) in Latin literature with a thesis on The typology of the military commander in Silius Italicus’ Punica (supervisor: Antonio La Penna). Then, I got my Ph.D. in Greek and Latin Philology at the University of Pisa, under the supervision of Alessandro Perutelli, with a commentary on Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica Book VI, vv. 427-760.
After taking the teaching qualification for the Secondary Public School, I have been teaching in the Liceo classico statale in Montepulciano (SI) for 7 years. Afterwards, I moved to Udine, where I have worked as Assistant Professor of Latin Language and Literature (L-FIL-LET/04) from January 2001 to March 2015 and teaching Latin Language for beginners as well as and Latin language: advanced level at the courses in Performing Arts (Gorizia), Humanities, Cultural Heritage, and Archaeology and cultures of antiquity. In December 2013 I was granted, for the first time, with the dignity of Associate Professor as well as Full Professor of Latin language and literature (ASN 2012) by unanimous judgement of the national committee, and since April 2015 I have been working as Associate Professor of Latin language and literature, always teaching in the Latin courses of the DIUM. In September 2018 I received the same judgement for the second time (the title will expire in September 2024 or 2027).
I am interested in Latin poetry of the Augustan and the Early Imperial age: my publications (review articles, chapters in collective volumes and monographs) are mainly devoted to Flavian epic poems like Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica and Silius Italicus’ Punica, as well as – to stay within the field of epic poetry – Virgil’s Aeneid and Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
I have also wrote on other literary genres and authors: historiography (Livy); aetiological elegy (Ovid’s Fasti), novel (Petronius and Apuleius), satire (Seneca, Varro, Horace). I have commented the whole of Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica Book VI in two different volumes (Pisa 1997 and 2006). With Federica Bessone I have edited The literary genres in the Flavian Age. Canons, Transformations, Reception, Berlin De Gruyter 2017. I have also published, together with Luca Graverini, a textbook for the teaching of Latin language in university courses.
I am currently working on a monograph on Silius Italicus and on a commentary on Virgil's Aeneid Book III. At the same time, I am preparing, together with Rossella Corti, a textbook of Latin literature for the Secondary Schools.
Passato da rimuovere e passato da rivivere: l'incubo della guerra civile (e la sua 'metabolizzazione') nell'epica flavia
in: P. Esposito, C. Walde (curr.), Letture e lettori di Lucano, Pisa 2015, 231–253
Il processo nel romanzo greco-latino: analisi di alcune situazioni narrative e delle loro funzioni
SIFC 107, serie 4a , 12/2 (2014 [copyright 2015]) 190–214
Ambitions de primauté et épopée ‘inclusive’. Les poètes flaviens devant le ‘couple’ Virgile–Ovide
in: Séverine Clément-Tarantino, Florence Klein (curr.), La représentation du «couple» Virgile-Ovide dans la tradition culturelle de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Lille 2015, 41–56
Venit odoratos Elegia nexa capillos: l’elegia latina in alcune traduzioni di poeti italiani contemporanei
in: A. Rodighiero, F. Condello (curr.), ‘Un compito infinito’. Testi classici e traduzioni d’autore nel Novecento italiano, Bologna 2015, 121–131
La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, con esercizi
(seconda edizione), Firenze 2016 (con L. Graverini)
The Restoration of Ancient Models: Epic Tradition and Mannerist Technique in Valerius’ Argonautica 6
in: A. Augoustakis (cur.), Flavian Epic, Oxford 2016, 80–110
Esemplarità e paradosso: un modello repubblicano e la sua (in)attualità imperiale in Velleio Patercolo
in: F. Slavazzi, C. Torre (curr.), Intorno a Tiberio. 1. Archeologia, cultura e letteratura del Principe e della sua epoca, Milano 2016, 96–104
Carmenta ed Egeria: due ispiratrici silenziose nei Fasti di Ovidio
Dictynna. Revue de poétique latine 14 (2017) 1–17
The Literary Genres in the Flavian Age. Canons, Transformations, Reception
Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes n. 51, Berlin / Boston 2017 (curatela con F. Bessone)
Enea e altri profughi virgiliani
in: A. Camerotto, F. Pontani (curr.), Xenia. Migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente, Milano-Udine 2018, 63–82
Un principe schivo. Esaco Hectoris frater nelle Metamorfosi di Ovidio
SIFC 111 (2018) 102–122
Flavian Epic: Roman Ways of Metabolizing a Cultural Nightmare?
in: L. D. Ginsberg, D. A. Krasne (curr.), After 69 CE – Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome, Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes n. 65, Berlin-Boston 2018, 25–50
Entre littérature, religion et politique: quelques réflexions sur le rôle des prosopopées divines chez Claudien
in: F. Chapot, J. Goeken, M. Pfaff-Reydellet (curr.), Figures mythiques et discours religieux dans l’Empire gréco-romain (Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, n. 27), Turnhout 2018, 153–165
Il mito argonautico nell’elegia dell’esilio: fra tradizione e novità
in: Chiara Battistella (cur.), Ovidio a Tomi. Saggi sulle opere dell’esilio, Milano-Udine 2019, 95–110
Un’esemplarità imbarazzante: il caso di Tito Manlio Torquato
in: Antonio Daniele (cur.), Attualità di Tito Livio. Incontro di studio in memoria di Emilio Pianezzola, Padova 2019, 51–72
Campania and the Punica
in: A. Augoustakis, R. Joy Littlewood (curr.), Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination, Oxford 2019, 183–199